I wasnt sure if i should post this here or in TKD general. Im in MMA, and most of my kicks come from TKD.(Tho i do both the muayi thai and TKD style front kicks.) Being as im young at the martial arts thing, i have a really short list of kicks. 2 weeks ago i just learned the side kick, and had been practicing it at home alot. I went to practice and was working on the heavy bag, mostly boxing stuff, and working in my round kick and front kicks. Well towards the last round of my bag work i decided to work on my side kick. (it was kinda a free day for me that day, on those ihave a routine. Stretch, heavy bag for 5 3min rounds and then the grapple dummy for GNP for 5 rounds and then speed bag for 5 rounds. its a hell of a work out)
Now im not sure what happend during the kick but i somehow injured my ankle. I was doing a lead leg side kick(or front leg IDK what to call it, i stand bladed in a orthodox stance which for me is left hand left leg lead with right hand to the rear) and right as im about to make contact with the heavy bag somehow i lose balance on my rear leg and my ankle rolls over. It almost felt as if the contact with the heavy bag screwed me up, im not sure how tho? Now since it was end of round and iwas moving on to gnp i delt with the pain and kept going. Now the pain is not as bad as it was the few days after words but its going on 2 weeks later and it still hurts. Now i can reach down find specific places on my ankle that hurt. Front of foot, just below the ankle, is one spot. There is another spot a few inches to the side near( but not on) the lil bump on the side of your foot that also hurts. Tho mainly its on the top front right under the ankle line.
So Having said all that, Any thoughts on what things in my foot were injured? Any tips on preventing it, such as what things might i have been doing that could have led to it, and corrections for the future?
Now Does anyone have a funny or otherwise amuzing or weird kicking story that they want to share? It would make me feel so much better knowing im not the only one that is prone to acts of newbness..
Now im not sure what happend during the kick but i somehow injured my ankle. I was doing a lead leg side kick(or front leg IDK what to call it, i stand bladed in a orthodox stance which for me is left hand left leg lead with right hand to the rear) and right as im about to make contact with the heavy bag somehow i lose balance on my rear leg and my ankle rolls over. It almost felt as if the contact with the heavy bag screwed me up, im not sure how tho? Now since it was end of round and iwas moving on to gnp i delt with the pain and kept going. Now the pain is not as bad as it was the few days after words but its going on 2 weeks later and it still hurts. Now i can reach down find specific places on my ankle that hurt. Front of foot, just below the ankle, is one spot. There is another spot a few inches to the side near( but not on) the lil bump on the side of your foot that also hurts. Tho mainly its on the top front right under the ankle line.
So Having said all that, Any thoughts on what things in my foot were injured? Any tips on preventing it, such as what things might i have been doing that could have led to it, and corrections for the future?
Now Does anyone have a funny or otherwise amuzing or weird kicking story that they want to share? It would make me feel so much better knowing im not the only one that is prone to acts of newbness..