DWT: Driving While Texting - or - "Hello, Moron!"

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I've actually had heated discussions with a few zipperheads who actually believe that they can drive just fine whilst texting. I've driven behind a few people whom I thought were drunk, but whom I discovered to actually be texting, based on their gaze into their laps while driving and their lack of hands on the feckin' steering wheel.

Now, if you're one who texts whilst driving, let me be clear. I am sorry if you find my terms offensive, but you're a menace and you ought to be locked up. You're criminally stupid and you should be prohibited from ever reproducing. There, I said it. And I'm not sorry, either.


December 22, 2009 7:09 AM PST
DEWD, U think DUI is bad, try DWT

It's no surprise that driving while texting (DWT) falls under the category of driving while stupid (DWS).
It's even been compared with driving under the influence (DUI). Still, anywhere from one-third to 60 percent of teens admit to texting behind the wheel.
Yet another study--this one out of the University of Utah--reinforces the fact that driving while texting is incredibly dangerous (PDF).
Drivers who text are about six times more likely to crash than those paying full attention to the road, this study says, and their reaction times are on average three times slower than the reaction times of drivers talking on cell phones.

Boneheads! Hang up the phone; stop texting; drive the feckin' car or get off the feckin' road.
Its one of the few things Chicago got right when they enacted a law against it. I wanna smack people who do that.
I've actually had heated discussions with a few zipperheads who actually believe that they can drive just fine whilst texting. I've driven behind a few people whom I thought were drunk, but whom I discovered to actually be texting, based on their gaze into their laps while driving and their lack of hands on the feckin' steering wheel.

Now, if you're one who texts whilst driving, let me be clear. I am sorry if you find my terms offensive, but you're a menace and you ought to be locked up. You're criminally stupid and you should be prohibited from ever reproducing. There, I said it. And I'm not sorry, either.


December 22, 2009 7:09 AM PST

Boneheads! Hang up the phone; stop texting; drive the feckin' car or get off the feckin' road.

No Bill, dont be sorry with your choice of words. Personally, I echo them 100%. IMHO, when you're behind the wheel, your #1, I repeat #1 concern is driving, NOT texting, not putting on makeup, not eating, reading the paper, or anything that will take your mind off the task at hand! There are times, when I'm driving in unfamiliar areas, that I'll turn off the radio, and tell everyone in the car to shut up, so I can concentrate.

Here in CT., I believe the fine for cell phone use, without a handsfree device or texting, is around $100 and actually I think it may be a bit more.

And then people wonder why there're so many accidents. I'd be willing to bet that more than half are due to careless drivers who are not paying attention.
I can't even correctly input the password on my blackberry while driving, so texting is right out of the equation. As is calling anyone, but that is now a pleasant aspect of driving. :D

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