test for a white belt?!

Bammx2 said:
Hey mj....thanks for that!

now I have something new to add to my posts!

gotta post! gotta post!
Bammx2 great to see you figured it out! :) and you're welcome. Now, if you are able, pass on the good will to a new user in need one day! :asian:
Rich Parsons said:
For many I would agree it is Money.

Yet, there are exceptions and there are programs, that are not in the martial arts business to make money. They may be few and far between, but they are out there.
yeah, i am not saying that ALL are in it for money.

also, i am not sayong that one should not make a earnest living at it.

i am saying that it becomes too commercially satuated.
47MartialMan said:
yeah, i am not saying that ALL are in it for money.

also, i am not sayong that one should not make a earnest living at it.

i am saying that it becomes too commercially satuated.

Thank you sir, your terse replies sometimes leave me and possible others wondering if you are being sarcastic, insulting or not really adding to the discussion. We are not in the same room as you and cannot see you body language or inflection upon your voice or know what is going through your mind. so thank you for the clarification.

Rich Parsons said:
Thank you sir, your terse replies sometimes leave me and possible others wondering if you are being sarcastic, insulting or not really adding to the discussion. We are not in the same room as you and cannot see you body language or inflection upon your voice or know what is going through your mind. so thank you for the clarification.

Hear Hear, sometimes my writing/posting, can be mis-interpreted. One of my college professors did state I have a interesting writing method.
It seems to me that if this is a trick to suck extra fees out of a student, then it's a scam and you should walk. If the lessons are legit and the material is worth learning and the training makes you better, than all the steps between now and the end of your training are just small stops along the way, and the actual number is unimportant. If there were fifty belts to black, and my goal was being a good martial artist, than only the material and the instruction would matter. If there were fifty belts to black, AND ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING A BLACK BELT, than I would feel ripped off.

Ultimately, a student need to decide whether their goal is get a black belt, or be a strong martial artist.

I had a student tell me the other day that he felt like he had been in the same place in his training for a week and half. I helped him to find some perspective and reignite his passion for martial arts, but I was thinking, "Man, you need to not measure your growth in week and a half intervals."

Thesemindz said:
It seems to me that if this is a trick to suck extra fees out of a student, then it's a scam and you should walk. If the lessons are legit and the material is worth learning and the training makes you better, than all the steps between now and the end of your training are just small stops along the way, and the actual number is unimportant. If there were fifty belts to black, and my goal was being a good martial artist, than only the material and the instruction would matter. If there were fifty belts to black, AND ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING A BLACK BELT, than I would feel ripped off.

Ultimately, a student need to decide whether their goal is get a black belt, or be a strong martial artist.

I had a student tell me the other day that he felt like he had been in the same place in his training for a week and half. I helped him to find some perspective and reignite his passion for martial arts, but I was thinking, "Man, you need to not measure your growth in week and a half intervals."

But for many, the "Cherish Black Belt" is the "grail" the main goal. Which is why many schools have "Black Belt clubs" and signs or lettering onthe wall stating or emphasizing "We are committed to Balck belt Excellence:. Or "We are a "Black Belt School".
I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds like a rip off to me. You walk in as a white belt. That's how it should be. In my opinion that is. But to each his own.
Again, uniform makers supply a white belt with the package...strange how that same belt has become yet another level, perhaps another revenue?
How boring it would be if everyone was the same.....

Funny how people are still saying Dojos that test for white belts are after your money, when most of us are saying that there is no charge.....hrm.....
This one TKD place I was at changed everything. The added stripes between all the belts and you have to $$$PAY$$$ to test for any belt. I no longer train at this fine establishment.
I hear ya!

There are always going to be Dojo's that are out to make a buck....but thats life aye. Its just a shame they cast a shadow on other good establishments, and/or cause people who have come in contact with them to have a negative perspective on that style/method of training/gradings etc.
That they do. I live in a pretty small area and unfortunately there isn't too many place that aren't like that. I guess trying to make it in a small area could lead you to act like that. Luckily I have have found a great place that fits all my needs. I couldn't be more happy.
Ping898 said:
My last school used to test for white belt (no fees). Basically you came to class for a few weeks and then were tested on some basics, punches and kicks all really. It seemed ok to me. Gave the new students a bit of class recognition I think and a feeling of accomplishment. Showed them they could do karate and make progress in it. Until you got the belt, you just wore the gi, no belt.

This is exactly what they started doing in our school, by the way there is no belt testing fees. When I started I got the white right away. The way it works now, you get your white belt test about 2 weeks or so after starting, and you would test on a few basics. The reason behind it, from what I was told, is exactly what you state above. I thought it was a good idea.
clapping_tiger said:
This is exactly what they started doing in our school, by the way there is no belt testing fees. When I started I got the white right away. The way it works now, you get your white belt test about 2 weeks or so after starting, and you would test on a few basics. The reason behind it, from what I was told, is exactly what you state above. I thought it was a good idea.
But is there a fee for the white belt test?

Why add yet another training curve/standard on something that comes with the uniform in order to keep the Gi top closed and hel the trouser stay up?
There is no fee for the white belt test. There is no fee for any belt tests. I should say no "Extra" fee. All you pay is your monthly membership.

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