National White Belt Month


Master Black Belt
A friend of mine is trying to start a National White Belt Month and make this thing grow to even a International level. What it means is, us black belts will wear a white belt to class. It can be done just for a day, week, or even the whole month. The event is planned for the month of November. The event is too show students that the importance of martial arts is not the belt that you wear, but the knowledge you have. I encourage everyone to try and help support this event, even if you just do it for a day. I am planning on wearing a white belt for the entire month of November. Thank you
Wow, I wonder where my white belt is? I passed it on.

Anyway, it's interesting you say this. I was thinking during class (never a smart thing to do but it was interesting) about how, at each rank, or each month or year, or whatever, as I gain more skill I think, "OK, I 'get it' now." Now, I've learned enough skills in my life (including horseback riding for most of my 53 years) to know that I never "get it" I just get more little pieces of "it" and that they often come and go. I was thinking that I have had the same thinking at every rank in my training. So, in a way I'm only ever one rank. I mean, my rank is just where I'm at in my training. (I don't know if this is making sense.) Like a multicolored belt. It doesn't matter at all, it's just what I happen to be wearing at the time.

Anyway, a piece of rambling that I had during one poomse.

Always a beginner!
Hm.... I don't know, somehow, I never get the point of wearing your white belt while you're actually a black belt (1st dan or higher - many members of this forum are higher ranked than that). Isn't it a bit like 'driving without your driver's licence while you've got one'?

Of course, there's nothing wrong with a bit of humility, but what exactly would wearing a white belt do? Others would still know your skill level - or notice when you spar/train with them.

I'd rather refrain from wearing any belt at all. That won't mislead people and it shows that you don't take the concept of 'rank' too seriously - which is probably the concept behind 'wearing a white belt instead of your black belt'?
Wearing a white belt would show students that even as instructors we are still students, we have not learned all there is to learn, we are still trying to improve and strengthen are own knowledge.

Anyone that considers themselves to prestigious to wear a WB in my opinion, has missed the mark completely.
Fortunately, my style doesn't really have a belt system ;). Students wear red, teachers wear black. However, my instructor wears red also quite often because the black one is in the laundry. But what does this change? He's still the instructor, he's still in charge and we all know it.

So, I still don't really get the point. Eventually, there would be a dojo filled with white belts, even the instructors. What then, is the point of having a belt system? Or even a rank system. After all, we'll always be students...
Wearing a white belt would show students that even as instructors we are still students, we have not learned all there is to learn, we are still trying to improve and strengthen are own knowledge.

Anyone that considers themselves to prestigious to wear a WB in my opinion, has missed the mark completely.

Actually a black belt wearing a white belt could be read as being condescending to the white belt and middle belts. I would instead teach the students that ALL belts mean there is more to learn and more to work on.

If I could, and still attract students and such, I'd go to a no belt system, but it seems most people in the US want to see themselves progress in an outward presenting way instead of growth of ability...
i've always kept my sashes. they are a reminder to me of the foundations of my training. just because i have passed a certain level doesn't mean the knowledge i gained at that level is no longer needed. the sash is just a reminder/memento of that.

i understand that many people do not use, or disagree with the concept of belts/sashes, but i think the op's idea is a good one. no matter how far along you are in your training there is always more to learn, and it is a good visual for new students to really understand that the upper ranks gained their skill by starting at the beginning just like they are. i also see it as an encouragement that if they stick with it and train hard, they can get there too.

another point, even though you are ranked in class by belt color, it is really the skill that matters. yes, a black belt can wear a white belt, but he still has the knowledge/skill of black belt. on the flip side, just because someone puts on a black belt doesn't mean he has the knowledge/skill of a black belt. not without those long, hard years of training that precedes it.
If I could, and still attract students and such, I'd go to a no belt system, but it seems most people in the US want to see themselves progress in an outward presenting way instead of growth of ability...

I have been using a no belt system for almost 10 years now with very good sucess. We average 90-110 members with approx 80 being 18 years old and up. Our youth program is quite small compared to most schools but we work harder to have adults. We do have testing levels but no belts. Very little ego's. Members know who is the higher level members by being on the floor training not because of a belt.

Good idea, I think we all need to get out of our rank mindset and realize it's much more than being higher up the totem than the next guy.
A friend of mine is trying to start a National White Belt Month and make this thing grow to even a International level. What it means is, us black belts will wear a white belt to class. It can be done just for a day, week, or even the whole month. The event is planned for the month of November. The event is too show students that the importance of martial arts is not the belt that you wear, but the knowledge you have. I encourage everyone to try and help support this event, even if you just do it for a day. I am planning on wearing a white belt for the entire month of November. Thank you

Not a bad idea...

I often wear a white belt during classes on Halloween. I actually look forward to it. Sadly, this year Halloween is on a Saturday and I will not get the chance. I look forward to next Halloween, more so, for this reason.

Good luck on your "project".

Thank you,
Milt G.
For some of you that are having debts with this. Here is the article my friend wrote for another discussion board and the reason why:

"During the month of November 2009 we wish to create an awareness in instructors to remember the importance of beginners as the future of martial arts as well as a reminder that instructors should always be in a constant state of learning and growth in the arts. For the student it shows an act by the instructors of checking their egos at the door and brings the importance of learning to the forefront.

Jigoro Kano the creator of the belt system recommended that even a 10th Dan should return to a white belt. So as a world wide martial arts event let all arts, styles and systems come together like never before to celebrate learning and the never ending martial arts journey.

Let the first week of November 2009 with the day Tuesday the 3rd being the recognized targeted day that instructors will return if only for a day and don the all important white belt. Let us show that knowledge and ability is the importance we should all strive for".

Thank you!