Test Date Uncertainty--AARGH!


Master Black Belt
My brown belt test (to go from 2nd to 1st brown) keeps getting postponed, moved around, etc. It's driving me nuts, because the tests are grueling and cover a lot of material as well as fitness/conditioning stuff. I'm old (ish) and kind of decrepit, so I have to carefully train to a peak for these. It's frustrating; I just want to get the darn thing over with, since it's the last "official" test before my black belt test (that will be next fall)--after this one, I can concentrate more on some of the extracurriculars I'll need for black belt. BTW, the delays have nothing to do with me personally; they are due to scheduling problems. Of course, the scheduling problems involved aren't mine, and the shuffling around of events causes me problems not just from a conditioning perspective, but also because I don't have the type of job where I can just hop up and leave--I need to give advance notice. Also, I just like to have definite plans for big events. I don't like this kind of ambiguity. I'm just a wee bit goal oriented. /rant
Hello, When one is ready....and prepare....ONE should NOT have any worries...

Your Instructor will not let you test? ...unless he knows you are ready...

In martial arts...when walking the streets...one should always be ready for anything...(NOT on testing dates only)

What will you do when you become a Black Belt? ...relax? Hope NOT!

Be-come a Boy Scout....always Prepared!

Aloha, ...we have a cub scout knife for sale? ....only kidding
I could not a imagine having shifting test dates. I think that it would drive me nuts as well. Being kinda oldish myself you have to concentrate so much on endurance, bringing training just to the edge of burn out, to get through one of these tests. Think of it this way, other than conditioning, all the techniques that you need are being honed to a knife's edge, I think that in the long run you will have a better, more relaxed test due to the extra preparedness.
My brown belt test (to go from 2nd to 1st brown) keeps getting postponed, moved around, etc. It's driving me nuts, because the tests are grueling and cover a lot of material as well as fitness/conditioning stuff. I'm old (ish) and kind of decrepit, so I have to carefully train to a peak for these. It's frustrating; I just want to get the darn thing over with, since it's the last "official" test before my black belt test (that will be next fall)--after this one, I can concentrate more on some of the extracurriculars I'll need for black belt. BTW, the delays have nothing to do with me personally; they are due to scheduling problems. Of course, the scheduling problems involved aren't mine, and the shuffling around of events causes me problems not just from a conditioning perspective, but also because I don't have the type of job where I can just hop up and leave--I need to give advance notice. Also, I just like to have definite plans for big events. I don't like this kind of ambiguity. I'm just a wee bit goal oriented. /rant


Is there a chance that all of the "postponements" are part of the test? I know that it would not be beyond a "creative" instructor to test on things not directly related to your actual requirements. It has happened to me, and I have "paid it forward". :)

I know that delays can be frustrating. Consider it as necessary steps along the path. In the future you will run into many such "challenges". How we handle those challenges says the most about who we are. We handle them best when we have experience handling them.

All you can do is stay in the best shape you can and keep practicing. You can, perhaps, "rotate" what you practice if time becomes an issue. You will never be 110% if you never know when "game day" will be. You can be 100%, though. I think that is all that will be asked.

Ikkyu is an important step. Best of luck, and please let us know what happens, and how it goes.

Thank you,
Milt G.
You need to bring this to your instructors attention. He may not see it from your perspective and is not aware of some of the working peoples issues.

You have just presented your argument for sticking to a schedule here on this board and it make sense and is fair. What is not fair is to keep shifting the test date because of one or two people in lieu of everyone else.

Talk to the instructors and present your argument just as you have here as he may just not be aware of something so obvious. You'd be suprised at how often the obvious goes unnoticed.
Thanks, all. In this case, the uncertainty is not part of the test. The organization is undergoing some changes in the way it does these. They are usually on a set schedule 4 times a year, but there was a scheduling conflict with the most recent one, so it was cancelled and we were told we should schedule individually or in small groups with instructors. The one that's uncertain now is a small group test with our most senior instructor; it was supposed to happen tomorrow night, but I was told a few days ago that it might not happen. So now it's ONE day from the supposed test, and I still don't know if it's happening. There have been many reschedulings and cancellations over the last few months (not just of tests, but other events, too.) I do plan to discuss this with the head instructor--most of us work and are parents; we have to plan ahead in order to pursue our MA studies without adversely impacting our families and careers.
Thanks, all. In this case, the uncertainty is not part of the test. The organization is undergoing some changes in the way it does these. They are usually on a set schedule 4 times a year, but there was a scheduling conflict with the most recent one, so it was cancelled and we were told we should schedule individually or in small groups with instructors. The one that's uncertain now is a small group test with our most senior instructor; it was supposed to happen tomorrow night, but I was told a few days ago that it might not happen. So now it's ONE day from the supposed test, and I still don't know if it's happening. There have been many reschedulings and cancellations over the last few months (not just of tests, but other events, too.) I do plan to discuss this with the head instructor--most of us work and are parents; we have to plan ahead in order to pursue our MA studies without adversely impacting our families and careers.


Thank you. Good follow-up information.

It is not uncommon for schools, or groups, to undergo restructuring and change. The most organized of them try to impact the student base the least amount possible. Sounds like in this case it has been more difficult. While it is best to be up front and communicative with the students and other instructors, one should not be unclear or "speculative" about something as important as a testing schedule. Sounds like they have some organizational "working out" to do?

I recommend (although you really did not ask :)) that you prepare for each "scheduled" date as best you can. I am sure they will consider the scheduling timeframes and issues as well. While they do appear to be disorganized at this time, I am sure all will smooth out soon. Sometimes these things just take time and experimentation. There are many issues to consider. Actually, working through "issues" such as these will make you a better student in the long run. Life, as you know, is constantly full of twists and turns. I think you are right to discuss it with them. Good communication is always the "high" road.

My best to you during this challenging point in your training. You are, probably, closer to Shodan then you think... :)

Thank you,
Milt G.
Confirmed yesterday evening--the test IS tonight! Good thing I've been busting my donkey working out. By the end of the evening, I hope my belt will be one stripe lighter. Thanks for the support and advice, everyone.
Confirmed yesterday evening--the test IS tonight! Good thing I've been busting my donkey working out. By the end of the evening, I hope my belt will be one stripe lighter. Thanks for the support and advice, everyone.

Good luck with your test !!! You will do great !!!

I know what you mean about wanting to be ready though. I will be testing for my Black Sash in Longfist Kung Fu sometime next spring and expecting to train extra hard for the next 8 months to work on cardio amongst other things.
Good luck with your test !!! You will do great !!!

I know what you mean about wanting to be ready though. I will be testing for my Black Sash in Longfist Kung Fu sometime next spring and expecting to train extra hard for the next 8 months to work on cardio amongst other things.

Good luck! I plan to test for my black belt next fall; that's one of the reasons I wanted to get this one out of the way--it's my last "official" brown belt test. After this all my tests will be for practice until black belt, and I can concentrate on the extracurricular material more.
Confirmed yesterday evening--the test IS tonight! Good thing I've been busting my donkey working out. By the end of the evening, I hope my belt will be one stripe lighter. Thanks for the support and advice, everyone.
Best wishes to you, Stac3y!

As for you being oldish, at 42? Not even! You are still quite young!:)

Good luck Stacey! You'll do fine. Training for BB is probably the best training you'll get. Something about the preparatin really crystalizes things in a beneficial way.

Enjoy it :)

I passed! Did pretty well, too, though not quite as well as my last one. Better on self defense, worse on techniques. It's a relief not to have any more "official" tests (I still have to participate in the quarterly brown belt tests, but I've now passed all of them that I have to pass before testing for black). Now I can really get down to business.
I passed! Did pretty well, too, though not quite as well as my last one. Better on self defense, worse on techniques. It's a relief not to have any more "official" tests (I still have to participate in the quarterly brown belt tests, but I've now passed all of them that I have to pass before testing for black). Now I can really get down to business.


Congratulations... I was pretty sure you would do fine. Having some anxiety, as you did, on the testing situation tells me that you are a "go getter" and not one just to sit back and "watch". That attribute will serve you well in your continued martial arts studies, and in the years to come.

Now, sit back, enjoy and have a great Halloween! Please keep us informed of your future progress.

Thank you,
Milt G.

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