How do I feel about the whole issue? I really do not know. There are so much white-washing and bias going on that it is enough to make a person's head swim.
What I do believe, however, is the guardianship at marriage is to the spouse, not to the parents. This is just a general belief. I do acknowledge that not all marriages are good. As I have mentioned earlier, there is so much going on with this case that I do not feel comfortable making a pro or con about this particular case. What does interest me are any evidence and the bare facts. Unfortunately, people with both sides of the issue try to interpret their views on these evidence or will select only parts of these facts to support their side.
- Ceicei
AnimEdge said:
Hey i found this(unless it has allready bene posted somewhere): Interesting Read i might add:
Interesting article. There are many following comments on that link you gave that were for Terri staying alive.
There was one comment that caught my eye stating the original article didn't provide all the information. I pasted that comment below as the poster provided more links:
- Ceicei
I believe you are mistaken on several points.
1. The 4 minutes of video posted online were edited to deliberately misrepresent the entirety of the video:
"For nearly an hour, her parents and the doctor tell her to open her eyes, close her eyes, look this way, look that way - with little apparent response."
also see
"Less widely known are four hours of images, taped in summer 2002, of Schiavo's inert stare from her hospice bed."
Did you watch all 4 1/2 hours of videotape?
Most of the affidavits posted on rely on only those 4 minutes of video for their opinion.
3. The bone scan.
Walker was clear in deposition, here:
that the alleged injuries could easily have been caused by the paramedics and the physical therapy in the year between her collapse and the bone scan.
That is what Dr. Carnahan, her treating physician, who actually ordered the scan thought, per his affidavit.
Walker never bothered to personally examine Terri.
2. Even acknowledged that less then $50,000 remains in trust:
What's the source for your claim that the husband will receive $1.6 million on her death?
3. The report of Jay Wolfson, guardian ad litem, December 2003, here:
is clear Terri received "aggressive" therapy through 1994.
He notes she failed at least 3 "gold standard" modified barium swallow tests during that time.
What's your source for the claim that she can now swallow?
4. The bedsore was only after she temporarily moved to assisted living when the Hospice was being renovated.
It is remarkable that she went 13 years without one, and is a testimony to the care provided by her husband, as Wolfson and Pearse (an earlier GAL, in his report) noted.
Please read Wolfson's report, and see this link for the legal issues involved:
Here's the CT scan, so you can see how blurry it is:
No need for an MRI (actually, you're really referring to an fMRI) to see the extent of the damage.
There's no known way to repair damage that severe.
Posted by:
Bill | March 20, 2005 02:41 PM