Kane in bold:
If Terry Shiavo dies, it will be the end of our country morally.
I wish people would make up their minds as to WHEN our country died morally.
For you, it shall be this historic moment. Bang. With her death we're dead and corrupt. All those unseemly and sordid things from our country's past bear no weight. The slaughter of innocents in domestic wars, the mistreatment of immigrants, child labor, eugenics, kleptocratic businessmen, organized crime--and I'm just working the nineteenth century here.
Killing children with an air delivered munition is euphemized and dismissed as "collateral damage," but this one act is going to irrevocably cripple the nation's morals? The baby that was taken off of life support in Texas awhile back--against his mother's wishes--didn't do it...but this will?
And all this in spite of the (alleged) fact that most of the country is against her demise? How does that work? All those who oppose her death give up and go home after she dies? They quit their morals and join the ranks of the forsaken? Will you be the exception? Will you be the lone voice crying in the wilderness admonishing us for our sins?
For all the ethical questions this case brings to light, no matter how it breaks it will not be the final death knell of this country's morals. Goodness, if we survived the roasting of 100,000 men, women and children in one fireboming raid over Tokyo, I suspect we can survive this.
The fact that there are people discussing this issue (or the events of March 9, 1945, for that matter) CLEARLY indicates that this country's citizens have a sense of morals...even if we can't agree on what they should be. We are not a nation of sociopaths...even though we have our fair share...and for all our failings as members of a supposedly informed electorate, we at least have the sense of bringing these things to the table.