terrorism in norway

The BBC news is carrying eye witness reports as well as those from the Norwegian police. It's harrowing that so many young people were gunned down but the leader of the young socialists has said in a press conference that the Norwegian people will not give in to terrorism and will continue to be the open free thinking and speaking people they have always been, good for him. We mustn't let terrorists change our way of life,it's been said many times, that while remaining alert we must carry on as normal.
this is the BBC news updated a couple of minutes ago.

Police reports, unofficial at the moment are saying the killer has links to neo Nazis as well. The fear is that he may not have been working alone and we could expect other attacks in Europe.

A picture is emerging, gleaned from official sources and social media, of a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who may have had an issue with Norway's multi-cultural society.


National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told NRK that the suspected gunman's Internet postings "suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen." A Breivik Facebook page, which is no longer available, listed body building and freemasonry as interests.

TV 2 News Channel reported that Breivik has previously been a member of the Progress Party's Youth and Oslo FRP.

Andersen said the suspect posted on websites with Christian fundamentalist tendencies. He did not describe the websites in any more details.

I am waiting for someone to explain to me how it is that the headlines don't read "Christian bombing and shooting" when if a Muslim does it, the headlines read "Muslim bombing and shooting."

And I'm still waiting for an update on that earlier statement on MT that "Christians are not actively bombing and shooting people, but Muslims are." Who was it that said that, hmmm?

Well, maybe the guy's crazy. Of course, if that's the case, he must be a Muslim. Only Muslims are crazy. As insinuated earlier in this thread.
We can argue intent ...

Yes, we can. And I think it's rather a stretch to pretend that we don't know what the intent was.

Re: planned attack on a recruiting station

christians are not blowing **** up

pretty much closes that argument down.

"TODAY i dont have to worry about christians blowing me up, i DO have to worry about muslims blowing my **** up."

So what's the deal? Do Christians actually blow **** up, or is the guy a sekrit Muslim? Is it possible that someone here is actually (gasp) wrong?

So yeah, I think previous statements go to intent. Call it circumstantial evidence. That "nobody said anything" stuff doesn't fly. Didn't have to. We were meant to understand and we did. I did, anyway. But I don't really have an 'off' switch where it comes to sandlot bullies.
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91 dead in Norway attacks
Store: Man bought 6 tons of fertilizer

• At least 84 killed at island youth camp
• Gunfire on island lasted two hours
• 7 killed, 90 hospitalized after Oslo blast
• Survivor identifies the shooting suspect




'Paradise' turned to 'hell': 84 killed at Norway youth camp

Suspect, is charged; police talk of signs he may be a right-wing, Christian fundamentalist. Full story
Suspect identified as 32-year-old farmer | Right-wing extremism emerging?


Norway youth camp attack kills 84

At least 84 people died when a gunman opened fire at a Norwegian island youth camp, police say, after a bomb attack killed seven in Oslo.

NORWAY ATTACKS PM Stoltenberg says there are many people who do not know if their children are alive or not
NORWAY ATTACKS The king and the queen visit relatives of victims
NORWAY ATTACKS A man is detained outside a hotel where the prime minister was visiting relatives of victims
NORWAY ATTACKS Farm supply firm says it sold six tonnes of fertiliser to suspect in May
lone nutters are just that, lone nutters

organized groups are just that

the difference for the obtuse out there, there is (currently)no evidence that this attack was motivated by religion

with the muslim terrorists, it IS, they say so themselves

I could also point out that when a lone nutter of the christian variety goes off the farm, it is always that, a lone nutter

islam has organized GROUPS of nutter than span the globe
Gentlemen, I just want to go on record as saying that it would be most courteous of those with 'hot irons' in the fire of debate over religion and politics to put them to one side for a few days, at least when it comes to discussing this act of terror.
Muslim, Christian, Nazi, anti-Nazi, - it really doesn't matter in my opinion. I don't even care if he's nuts. He killed children. He is a monster. He should be treated like one.
He may not be a lone gunman, some of the survivors of the island shootings are said to have reported a second gunman being there. The police have just had a press conference, watched it live, they aren't for obvious reasons saying much at the moment.
Their intelligence services as well as the police are investigating.
However the death toll has gone up to 92 with 4 or 5 still missing.
Maybe the public face of terrorism is changing. Terrorist = Right Wing Extremist. How many people can be thrown under that umbrella? LOL @ Karma.
Those homegrown guys are actually more dangerous.
(Yes TF, it is my humble opinion, not a fact)
These guys fly under the radar until they snap.
You mean like Virginia born Major Hasan? Had this guy in Norway screeched Allahu Akbar, the media would be utterly baffled as to his motives...
You mean like Virginia born Major Hasan? Had this guy in Norway screeched Allahu Akbar, the media would be utterly baffled as to his motives...

No, because here a guy named Hassan raises eyebrows, and anybody with darker skin is suspect.
Blondie could have not looked more innocent...

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