Jenna, the nazis were socialists and were really left wingers, as Tez points out, that is the truth. The national socialists differed from the international socialists in that they wanted their brand of socialism for Germans, and didn't care about socialism for other countries. These are not just my opinions, I have a lot of writings on this from knowlegeable people in various fields of study.
To me, an American, right wing conservative, right wing here in the states means the belief in a small, limited government, hedged in by checks and balances to control the governments power over individuals. A right wing conservative believes in the American Bill of Rights, and believes in individual freedom and rights.
The reason I believe that the Norway killer was a far "left" winger is that if you look at what he likely believed, he didn't believe in a small government, or the protection of the individual from the government.
I always ask why people call someone a "right winger," because most of the time the answer is what Tez says. They are because everyone knows they are. In your answer you mentioned "neo-nazi," the nazis were socialists and they were left wing, so if someone claims nazi beliefs, they are socialists and left wing. I have some articles I'll post on this, the regular readers have already seen them, but you might see that my claims are not just made up. There is scholarly research that supports it.
For emphasis:
Another favorite article by Friedrich hayek on national socialism...And it also points to why the socialists fought other socialists...
And there is this...
To me, an American, right wing conservative, right wing here in the states means the belief in a small, limited government, hedged in by checks and balances to control the governments power over individuals. A right wing conservative believes in the American Bill of Rights, and believes in individual freedom and rights.
The reason I believe that the Norway killer was a far "left" winger is that if you look at what he likely believed, he didn't believe in a small government, or the protection of the individual from the government.
I always ask why people call someone a "right winger," because most of the time the answer is what Tez says. They are because everyone knows they are. In your answer you mentioned "neo-nazi," the nazis were socialists and they were left wing, so if someone claims nazi beliefs, they are socialists and left wing. I have some articles I'll post on this, the regular readers have already seen them, but you might see that my claims are not just made up. There is scholarly research that supports it.
MussoliniÂ’s fascism was a state socialism that was explicitly anti-Marx and aggressively nationalistic. HitlerÂ’s National Socialism was state socialism at its worse. It not only shared the socialism of fascism, but was explicitly racist. In this it differs from the state socialism of Burma today, and that of some African and Arab dictatorships.
Two prevailing historical myths that the left has propagated successfully is that Hitler was a far right wing conservative and was democratically elected in 1933 (a blow at bourgeois democracy and conservatives). Actually, he was defeated twice in the national elections (he became chancellor in a smoke-filled-room appointment by those German politicians who thought they could control him — see “What? Hitler Was Not Elected?”) and as head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, he considered himself a socialist, and was one by the evidence of his writings and the his economic policies.
To be clear, National Socialism differs from Marxism in its nationalism, emphasis on folk history and culture, idolization of the leader, and its racism. But the Nazi and Marxist-Leninists shared a faith in government, an absolute ruler, totalitarian control over all significant economic and social matters for the good of the working man, concentration camps, and genocide/democide as an effective government policy (only in his last years did Stalin plan for his own Holocaust of the Jews).
For emphasis:
But the Nazi and Marxist-Leninists shared a faith in government, an absolute ruler, totalitarian control over all significant economic and social matters for the good of the working man, concentration camps, and genocide/democide as an effective government policy (only in his last years did Stalin plan for his own Holocaust of the Jews).
Another favorite article by Friedrich hayek on national socialism...And it also points to why the socialists fought other socialists...
The persecution of the Marxists, and
of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National
"Socialism" is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final
fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in
Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority
of the German intelligentsia first to "socialism of the chair" and later to
Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.
One of the main reasons why the
socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized,
is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great
industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups
too, as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment, have, at least
partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly
because, and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany, many
capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have
not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience.
And there is this...
8. Economic socialism, not capitalism
The second theme of the Program is a stress upon socialism and a strong rejection of capitalism.
Numerically, socialism is the most emphasized theme in the Nazi Program, for over half of the Program’s twenty-five points—fourteen out of the twenty-five, to be exact—itemize economically socialist demands.
Point 11 calls for the abolition of all income gained by loaning money at interest.
Point 12 demands the confiscation of all profits earned by German businesses during World War I.
Point 13 demands the nationalization of all corporations.
Point 14 demands profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
Point 15 demands the generous development of state-run old-age insurance.
Point 16 calls for the immediate socialization of the huge department stores.
And so on.
These are just a small part of the works that I have that look at socialism, and facism and chronicle the fact that nazis were in fact national socialists, and therefore on the left wing of the political spectrum. I am not making this up, and I don't point it out for anything other than to show that trying to call nazis "right wing," is inaccurate.
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