I was in the position of telling the truth as I saw it. The master had another truth as he saw it, he didn't want to hear my truth. Then there is the truth of another person, who wanted to believe their truth. All three truths were different. What was true, we probably don't know for sure without getting all three people in the same room. What I'm saying is truth is perception and is subjective sometimes to your motives. If there is no personal interest, or could be embarrassing and actually hurt them in telling, then the truth is plausible and can be accepted more readily. But then their truth could still be perceived as having personal interest, when in truth they did not. So what is truth?
Dictionary meanings--
1) Truth, which is true or in accordance to fact or reality.
2) a fact or belief that is accepted as true
Telling the truth to power is only difficult if in the telling if one has something to possibly lose-- ie. job, rank, ego. Then, if someone else tells the truth as they see it before your truth is heard, then the chance to tell it may be lost or worthless to tell. Still it is subjective to the judgement of the "power" what is "true" and whether the power has integrity too.
Telling the truth is important in saving grief to others as in blame or if it affects their job or their rank, then integrity is on the line too. And the truth has to be in accordance with fact or reality as much as possible, and something in which you can live with.
I guess that is why I have the line about truth on my sig. Seek the truth but don't always believe your truth is the only one. TW