So Proud of My Son!

My son started TKD a little over a month ago. As some of you know he has several neurological disorders that make processing actions and comprehension very difficult for him. It is almost impossible for the boy to move quickly, as it takes him longer to process/comprehend a directive than the average child. I have decided not to mention it to the instructors for a couple reasons.

I want Michael to have to work as hard as the other students, to have to start figuring things that are hard out for himself. I also figure these instructors are going to figure out pretty quick that Michael is going to take more time to learn something. And they have. Master Ha makes sure to spend extra time working with Mike and is encouraging when he tries hard. He has stated in the class that some people just cannot kick high (my son) and that the important thing is the focus and power.

This is a WTF organization but Master Ha stresses the martial aspects of TKD and has said TKD is 10% sport and 90% martial. He also does not hesitate to give Michael push-ups if he does not kia loud enough, or use enough power, or focus in his poomse.

Master Ha is there on Tuesday nights only, and the assistant instructor runs the Thursday night class. Last Tuesday was intense instruction on focus and power with Master Ha demonstrating high kicks and poomse but with poor focus and power, and then low kicks, and poomse with good focus and power. Michael struggles with focus and power because of his processing issues. For him to focus on one usually means the other area is lacking, because it is physically very difficult for him to incorporate both, until he has repeated an action so many times that he can work on the other aspect.

So, last night they had a kind of poomse competition between all the students. With all ranks competing together, not broken down by rank, for power and focus. My son is the only white belt. He worked so hard. Concentrating and trying to kia as loud as he could...and HE WON! Master Ha told him excellent job and applauded and shook his hand, and had the whole class applaud.

The nice thing about such a recognition is knowing that it's not handed out flippantly. Michael worked for it and was recognized for it. At the end of class when they were bowing out Master Ha asked the class why Michael got the championship for poomse that night. He had about 3 different kids come up and answer the question saying how Michael had worked hard, had power, showed improvement, focused, kia'd loudly, etc. Michael was just beaming.

I can't say enough how proud I am of him and how pleased I am with the instructors at this school. They take training seriously and have an obvious, genuine love for children. I feel blessed to have my son enrolled there.


I say Good Job Michael. :)
You're a great mom for finding such a terrific training "home" for Michael!

For Michael's accomplishments, :-partyon: , way to go!

- Ceicei
Pam - that is SO great! I am so glad Michael found a class where he is treated like everyone else and still allowed to be himself. Thanks so much for posting this - reading it really made my day.
When I think of many other kids his age who have no limitations but STILL don't try that makes me even more impressed

Props from his OTHER 'Uncle Andy" :)
Jade firdt off I'm glad you are happy with the instructor and please tell your son congrats for me.
Terry:-partyon: :-partyon:
Wow...what a FANTASTIC experience!!

Yay to Michael!!!

and Yay to Michael's Mom!!!!

:) :) :)
This is awesome news jade, and I am also deeply touched with warmth for your son's accomplishments. I too am dealing with the struggles of my oldest twin (8 years old). He tries hard and is constantly making strides that can only compare to himself, and not other children his age.

The schools website is very commercial looking but the school itself it totally dedicated to training and to teaching students all aspects of TKD with a surprisingly heavy focus on the martial aspect for a WTF school.
This goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. The advertisements of a school don't always reflect the depth of what is taught within!

I am going to be writing a thank you note to Master Ha and the assistant instructors for the wonderful job they do with ALL the children there.
I know any notes will mean a lot, as instructors like to feel appreciated.
Awwwww! You all are so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your kind words and support. It really means alot.

Last Fearner said:
He tries hard and is constantly making strides that can only compare to himself, and not other children his age.

I totally hear you on this Last Fearner. Congrats to your son for his accomplishments as well. It's hard for people who don't understand the nature of a child's disability what the scope of effort to master something takes, compared to that of another child.

ANY child, no matter what the natural ability may be, should be recognized for hard work and dedication. A child that would have these skills come easily to them may get overlooked because "it's easy" for them. But those are the ones who may not work hard because of that reason. If it comes easy and they STILL push themselves to a higher level it is just as admirable.

Kudo's to ALL the parents of dedicated children (whether they are "challenged" or not) and to the children for their hardworking efforts.

I see so many kids enrolled in MA who are just not really interested in being there, it's so nice to see kids really enjoying their training and giving all the effort they can muster.

My son has class again tonight. It will be interesting to observe him after Tueday's success. You know how it is after something like that. It tends to motivate you to even greater attempts.
Awesome!!! How cool is that? :) Congrats to your family!!

My instructors often gets thank yous from the parents and students. They are often found all over the office because they mean so much to them. It's little things like that that help keep instructors and assistants motivated and feeling appreciated.
Thank You for sharing Progress of your Son.It's GREAT to see such a young person overcome a disabilty.I bet you are very proud of him.


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