Senior Master
After some thought, I decided to come back and reply to this...
Google fu alone turns up thousands of scholarly articles about studies that demonstrate the emotional trauma of spanking and corporal punishment. You can't act like this body of research doesn't exist. Does this "prove" that beatings cause emotional trauma? No, that's impossible, but there is a good case for it.
Child abuse is like a bomb in the brain when it comes to violence. It matters.
In reality, yes. I feel comfortable in stating that beatings cause emotional (and physical) trauma in children. Does this mean that parents don't have a choice to beat their children if they wish? Sure, but they will pay the consequences later. The parents suffer, the child suffers, and society suffers when we agress against the young. And I believe that parents have the right choose, just as anyone has the right to choose, even if the choice is...well...evil.
My argument against beating a child is a moral one. Children are humans who have rights, wishes and goals. When we beat a child to force them to conform to our expectations, we literally stomp on those rights, wishes and goals. We make them into our slaves. If beating was the only way to control children, there would be little to argue about. The fact that people can raise their children without resorting to violence begs the question, why would anyone choose to beat their children at all?
Imagine teaching the young ones from an early age that it's bad to use force to get what you want and then breaking that principle in order to get what you want. What kind of view of violence is this child going to develop? Imagine a society filled with people that have this drummed into their heads. What would they do? At the very least, they probably will continue to beat their children. At the very least, they might even commit assault after loosing in a karate tournament.
At some point, I believe humanity will realize that child abuse is the largest obstacle to living in a free society. It's not enough for slaves to decide not to be slaves. The masters need to decide not to be masters.
I wouldn't compare appropriate spanking with "beating a child" or "child abuse". Again, you can find just as many psychologists that feel that in the earlier years a swat on the bottom is much more effective at shaping behavior than anything else because a child CANNOT use logic or understand what you are trying to say, in fact, they really don't understand what you mean when you say "you're disappointed" in them. A small amount of pain will curtail behavior, just as if they touch a hot stove they have now learned not to ever do that again. Intellectually explaining things to a small child is like trying to lecture your dog.