Teacher Who Let Students "Vote Out" 5 y.o. with Asperger's Syndrome Gets Job Back

We have a system whereby a child with special needs is 'statemented' and this means a child is then entitled to help at school. It's a specialised job in itself not just a teachers aid.

We have a similar thing here called an IEP (Independant Education Plan) My son has an IEP. I works great....Once the parents have exhausted themselves trying to get in implimented in the school.
My kids go to a rural school and access to extra help is limited at best.

My family is from England and I have always admired your education system. When we first came to Canada(by we I mean they, I wasn't born yet) My oldest sister was in school full time learning math, spelling and other such lessons. She was put into kindergarden with the kids her age and she threw a fit. Half days and a nap time to boot. The school board ended up skipping her two grades.

It is hard to catch the kids that are going to struggle academically if all they have to do is play nice with the other kids. Kindergarden in my mind is just free day care.
Opps off topic.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:
We have a similar thing here called an IEP (Independant Education Plan) My son has an IEP. I works great....Once the parents have exhausted themselves trying to get in implimented in the school.
My kids go to a rural school and access to extra help is limited at best.

My family is from England and I have always admired your education system. When we first came to Canada(by we I mean they, I wasn't born yet) My oldest sister was in school full time learning math, spelling and other such lessons. She was put into kindergarden with the kids her age and she threw a fit. Half days and a nap time to boot. The school board ended up skipping her two grades.

It is hard to catch the kids that are going to struggle academically if all they have to do is play nice with the other kids. Kindergarden in my mind is just free day care.
Opps off topic.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:

I was wondering about the age and what sort of class it was in the OP. Here children go to playschool, usually a half day, until they are four and a half then a 'proper' primary school. I can well imagine your sisters indignation at being sent to a baby class after being at 'big' school!
I was wondering about the age and what sort of class it was in the OP. Here children go to playschool, usually a half day, until they are four and a half then a 'proper' primary school. I can well imagine your sisters indignation at being sent to a baby class after being at 'big' school!

My sister is now 47 and it is still brought up at family dinners how angry she was....sometimes wonder if she still IS annoyed that they put her in baby school.:rpo:
My sister was 5 when they came to Canada. She is a proud person and this was certainly an indignity in her eyes.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:

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