I think that you summed up my thoughts with what you posted in post #5 James. While it may apply more to sport applications, vs SD applications, I think that its still important to teach how other arts function. I mean, if someone is going to teach a defense and a student is going to assume that said defense is going to actually work or have the impression that it'll work, then IMHO, the teacher as well as the student should have at least a basic understanding of how things work. Ex: In Kenpo we have various techs to defend against takedowns. Nothing wrong with this in and of itself, however, if the person has no idea how a grappler operates, the student could be in for quite a surprise.
Granted, in the real world, the badguy may not be a world class wrestler, but instead some punk who just rushes you and does a half *** takedown attempt, but IMO, I'd rather be over prepared, than under. But thats just me.
I was hoping you would jump in as I like reading your rational.

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