
Thank you everyone. :) I really love it. I'm glad I waited until I had something with significance for me to get tattooed. I was like Bob for many, many years where I thought about getting a tattoo because I wanted one but I just didn't have anything in mind that I liked enough to want permanently. Take your time Bob. It's worth the wait to get just the right thing and you'll know it when it comes to you. :)

TChase - can't wait to see the pics! :supcool:
Here is (After Much Anticipation) TChase's Tattoo:

FearlessFreep said:
I donate blood regularly so I avoid tattoos and other forms of body decoration
Hi FF,

Yes, I am of the same thought, I have not donated in the last couple of months due to the shortage of flu vaccine. Last year even with the vaccine I got the flu, I think it was because I donated about the same time and 60 days apart.

I am getting older and am not sure what would look the best, tattoo's or my old and wrinkled skin, LOL...

I am very suspect of the local so called clean and AAA certified parlors...
By the looks of most of them I don't think they wash much after they go the rest room. LOL

Didn't seem to bother the people getting the Tattoos though.
When conducting some inquiring information about the cleanliness of the people who are usually covered with them. I asked a few questions and didn't care for the answers...

I think, therefore I am.. Kinda sums up my thoughts on the subject...

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Didn't seem to bother the people getting the Tattoos though.
When conducting some inquiring information about the cleanliness of the people who are usually covered with them. I asked a few questions and didn't care for the answers...

I think, therefore I am.. Kinda sums up my thoughts on the subject...

Regards, Gary
Couple things Id say on this:

1) Do they dispose of their needles or re-use them? Disposable needles are the way to go.
2) Do they wear gloves, and cover everything they touch, such as the spray bottle of water solution in disposable plastic?
3) Relating to 2, do they sanitize everything they handle that is "outside" the tattooing they are doing that they touch, such as the phone, etc, and change gloves after handling anything?
4) Do they have an autoclave, and does the autoclave have a current Spore test certificate?

I wont get a tattoo in a place that doesnt adhere to those standards.
GAB said:
Hi FF,

Yes, I am of the same thought, I have not donated in the last couple of months due to the shortage of flu vaccine. Last year even with the vaccine I got the flu, I think it was because I donated about the same time and 60 days apart.

I am getting older and am not sure what would look the best, tattoo's or my old and wrinkled skin, LOL...

I am very suspect of the local so called clean and AAA certified parlors...
By the looks of most of them I don't think they wash much after they go the rest room. LOL

Didn't seem to bother the people getting the Tattoos though.
When conducting some inquiring information about the cleanliness of the people who are usually covered with them. I asked a few questions and didn't care for the answers...

I think, therefore I am.. Kinda sums up my thoughts on the subject...

Regards, Gary
Every tattoo studio I've ever been in has been cleaner than most hospitals I've been in.
TChase said:
Every tattoo studio I've ever been in has been cleaner than most hospitals I've been in.
Hi TChase,

Guess we don't go to the same spots.

I was downtown the other day shopping at the K st. Mall, had to take numerous side streets because of the traffic. Seems like more traffic after then before the holiday.

Not many pawn shops left, but I saw a lot of tattoo parlors...Is it studios now???

I will continue my search based on the information.

Thanks Technopunk, and all.

Regards, Gary
Bob Hubbard said:
1 place I checked said they make their own needles....sounded iffy to me.

Heres a few of the ideas I'm looking at getting. (Yeah, I like the character alot. :D )




Hi Bob,

I will through in my 2 cents. If numbering from top to bottom, 1 being the top and 3 being the bottom.

I like the one behind door # 3....

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Bob,

I will through in my 2 cents. If numbering from top to bottom, 1 being the top and 3 being the bottom.

I like the one behind door # 3....

Regards, Gary
My vote is door #2
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
My vote is door #2

That is a good one, probably the one most of the female gender would vote for.

Anyone else going to help Bob?? Or complicate it???

#3 Just reminds me of dear old MOM.

Regards, Gary
My prefered one is this one...though I'd like the waistline modified a bit.
I've got quotes of 1-2 sessions, 2-4 hours, and $120-$400+ for a bicep piece.


  • $lum_041-2a.JPG
    65.3 KB · Views: 201
Bob Hubbard said:
My prefered one is this one...though I'd like the waistline modified a bit.
I've got quotes of 1-2 sessions, 2-4 hours, and $120-$400+ for a bicep piece.
I like it!

The "make your own needles" thing is common.

The shops buy a supply of the single wire and make the multi-tip needles that they use for large areas out of that... typically disposing of them afterwords.

Much better IMHO.
I dont have any, but my wife has 5. She wants me to get one, but like many, I find it hard to find something I will still want on my body in 20 years. The only thing I have been thinking about is the chinese characters for "7 star praying mantis kung fu". I've really been considering that, but then I have to decide where to get it done.


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