

Your tatoo is beautiful. I am making an appointment soon with a friend of mine. She is getting herself a new tatoo and I am fixing mine up a bit.
SLTL, it is truly a beautiful tiger - looks like he's crawling up your back!

On the needles thing: When I got mine, the guy had everything wrapped in plastic, changed his gloves in front of me, had me watch him sanitize everything, change gloves again, showed me the unopened disposable needle, asked me to examine the seal to ensure my satisfaction that it was not broken, had me watch him open the package, install the needle (he called it my needle), load the ink and when he was done, had me watch him clean and sanitize everything again, discard the needle in a sharps container, and change gloves again.

I had already watched him perform this process on two previous clients before me, so I was very satisfied with the level of cleanliness when i got inked.
Thanks for the tattoo compliments everyone. :)

Nalia and Shesulsa - Please post pics of yours too. I'd love to see them!

On the needles thing: When I got mine, the guy had everything wrapped in plastic, changed his gloves in front of me, had me watch him sanitize everything, change gloves again, showed me the unopened disposable needle, asked me to examine the seal to ensure my satisfaction that it was not broken, had me watch him open the package, install the needle (he called it my needle), load the ink and when he was done, had me watch him clean and sanitize everything again, discard the needle in a sharps container, and change gloves again.

I had already watched him perform this process on two previous clients before me, so I was very satisfied with the level of cleanliness when i got inked.
Yeah, me too. I was his first appt for the day. 8:00 am. Watched him mop the floor first. Watched him wash his hands before starting. He wore gloves, glasses and a face mask. Watched him open the needle pack, pour the ink into seperate cups, sanitize the entire area and cover all the bottles etc. with plastic. When he was finished he had me watch as he broke the needles and discard in the sharps container. Watched him toss the used ink cups and his gloves and begin sanitizing the area again before his next client. I too was very satisfied and confident with the safety and level of cleanliness with this artist.

I dont have any, but my wife has 5. She wants me to get one, but like many, I find it hard to find something I will still want on my body in 20 years. The only thing I have been thinking about is the chinese characters for "7 star praying mantis kung fu". I've really been considering that, but then I have to decide where to get it done.

7sm - That sounds like it would be a nice tattoo. If you're torn about it you could always have it done in a place that would be concealed unless you wanted it to show. (Like the shoulder blade) or just wait until you really find something you're sure of, and if you never do, you never do. No big deal. Everything I was told over the years was that you'll never regret it if you get something with significance for you.

I am getting older and am not sure what would look the best, tattoo's or my old and wrinkled skin, LOL...
On the general topic of being tattoed and getting older:
Some areas of the body show age less than others. Two of them are the shoulder blade and lower back. They don't wrinkle or sag as much as other areas do. Besides, you're gonna wrinkle and sag anyway, what difference does it make if you're tattooed or not?

I never thought tattoos on older people ever looked bad anyway. My 70 year old father-in-law has tattoos. A hula girl on his forearm, and my mother-in-laws name on his bicep. I still think they look cool, and so does my 11 year old son.

But, to each his own.... :)
Bob Hubbard said:
My prefered one is this one...though I'd like the waistline modified a bit.
I've got quotes of 1-2 sessions, 2-4 hours, and $120-$400+ for a bicep piece.
Hi Bob,

I like it also. Bicep wow, that's a lot of art for the bicep. Bigga Boy.

Now are we going for the lowest bidder on this or???

I am not sure about money regarding the art work, you have to see some of it and go and watch and make up your mind based on performance.

I saw a tattoo about that size on the top of a guys head. We were talking about the Corps and he said the reason he got it was because it was (USMC) behind him.

When his hair grew out he could not see it. Little did he know he would go bald LOL...

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
I saw a tattoo about that size on the top of a guys head. We were talking about the Corps and he said the reason he got it was because it was (USMC) behind him.

When his hair grew out he could not see it. Little did he know he would go bald LOL...

Regards, Gary
Did he go bald because of the tattoo or getting older?

- Ceicei
GAB said:
I saw a tattoo about that size on the top of a guys head. We were talking about the Corps and he said the reason he got it was because it was (USMC) behind him.

When his hair grew out he could not see it. Little did he know he would go bald LOL...

Regards, Gary
My husband saw a picture of a bald guy with a tattoo on his head of a guy "mowing" it. :D
Hi Ceicei,

He got older and then it was there for all to see.

Hi SLTL, I have to tell you if I saw that, I would have to stop and talk to the guy, I mean that is funny.

I have seen quite a few funny ones but that is great.

Regards, Gary
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
Ok. Here are a couple pictures. It's still healing. It's only 13 days old with the color. I'll try to get some better ones taken once it's completely healed.
Very cool, Pam! :supcool: Thanks for letting us see it--I'm sure it will look even better when it's fully healed. Please let us see a picture of it when all of the color comes through. Hope it doesn't hurt too much!

As long as you're happy with it, that's what counts.

Have a great day,
Gin-Gin :D
Gin-Gin said:
Very cool, Pam! :supcool: Thanks for letting us see it--I'm sure it will look even better when it's fully healed. Please let us see a picture of it when all of the color comes through. Hope it doesn't hurt too much!

As long as you're happy with it, that's what counts.

Have a great day,
Gin-Gin :D
My daughters are big time into soccer and they showed me a soccer magazine with a player who had a bald head and it was tattoo'd to look like a soccer ball...Not sure if it was a permanent tattoo or not but it sure looked like a permanent one in the picture....Talk about total devotion to your sport!
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
7sm - That sounds like it would be a nice tattoo. If you're torn about it you could always have it done in a place that would be concealed unless you wanted it to show. (Like the shoulder blade) or just wait until you really find something you're sure of, and if you never do, you never do. No big deal. Everything I was told over the years was that you'll never regret it if you get something with significance for you.
Thanks, yeah I wouldn't regret having that tatoo, but I'm trying to decide where to have it done. The shoulder blade is one of the main areas I'm thinking about. I attached the characters. I might put the verticle however. I want it concealed, but where I can show it if I want, like at the beach or something. I thought about also on the underside of my tricept too.



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7starmantis said:
Thanks, yeah I wouldn't regret having that tatoo, but I'm trying to decide where to have it done. The shoulder blade is one of the main areas I'm thinking about. I attached the characters. I might put the verticle however. I want it concealed, but where I can show it if I want, like at the beach or something. I thought about also on the underside of my tricept too.

Looks like it'll make a cool tattoo. Let us know what you decide. :)

Nalia and Shesulsa - still waiting for pics!
Heh-heh-heh ... yer gonna wait a long time to see mine, yaknowhatI'msayin'? It's in an area I do not wish to be photographed and displayed on the WWW.
shesulsa said:
Heh-heh-heh ... yer gonna wait a long time to see mine, yaknowhatI'msayin'? It's in an area I do not wish to be photographed and displayed on the WWW.
:uhyeah: yup.

Have to wait a while for mine too. Need to get extra work done on it and find a way to photgraph it so that umm... well... you know. :D
Heh-heh-heh ... yer gonna wait a long time to see mine, yaknowhatI'msayin'? It's in an area I do not wish to be photographed and displayed on the WWW.


Have to wait a while for mine too. Need to get extra work done on it and find a way to photgraph it so that umm... well... you know. :D
Oopsy! :xtrmshock :rolleyes: :o :D
I have a Scorpion on my foot (though i'm not a scorpio), a Wolf head on my back, a medicine wheel and feathers on my upper left arm, and a raven wing covering most of the right side of my back--only an outline so far, its only 2 weeks old. pics will be up on my website when i get the time to do it.
Hey Waya_Adisi~!
Yes you do have those tats hehee~! Now ya gotta have the body added to the wolf and a wing coming from that body .. just to even things out eh *G*

oh yeah.. *POKES*
What is the typical process for getting a custom design? Does that artist charge for the design, then again for the application? I've a notion that would be about 1.5" x 2", and have a low quality image. I'd first like to see a rendering on paper that would closely match what I'd see on skin before I make it permanent.

Any recommendations of a good artist within 100 miles of Boston/ southern NH?

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