i have seven, and don't regret any of them. i would get more, but dang are they expensive! congrats on who ever is venturing to get a new tattoo. just a few things to mention-(and i apologize if these have already been said) wanted to echo about the alcohol thing, avoid it during the tatt. if you need to have one, wait until after gettin' inked. some places won't work on you if you have booze on your breath. don't be afraid to ask to see certification or references. also, make sure you see them use a new needle, and watch them put the inks in the little wells, don't let 'em touch you if the ink is already set up in the pallette- could have been previously used, which would mean that it is contaminated.
if you have a history of sensitive skin, get a test dot done. the artist will make a tiny ink mark on you and see how your skin reacts. some places won't even charge for the test dot.
after: stay out of the sun, tanning booths, no hot tubs or pools until the tatt has completely healed. to maintain its color, use spf (at least 30) year around. keeps mine crystal! when in the shower, don't scrub it--treat it like new baby skin. it will heal alot like a sunburn does: bubbles up a bit, flakes off on its own. don't peel or pick at the scabbing skin, or you'll pull the ink out.