
OULobo said:
Long wait, but sounds like it is worth it. Good luck.
Thanks. I wish he had something open sooner. I asked him to call me if someone cancels before then, he highlighted my appt. time in the book so if that happens he'll let me know. I'm not counting on it though...
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
OK. I've been reading this thread with interest because I've thought about getting a tattoo but with it being sooooo permanent there really wasn't anything I could think of that I'd want forever...until now.

So, I have a few stupid questions for the experienced. Once you know what you want tattooed, how you find the image? Do you just see what's available at the shop and choose the closest thing, or will the artist design what you want or what? Second question, a matter of where? I'm not sure what the best place would be. I'm thinking small of back cuz I like that look but I've only seen sunburst type tattoos there and I'm thinking of getting a tiger with the Chinese symbol for courage (has personal significance for me). Would something other than a sunburst type design work on the small of back or would it look better somewhere else? I don't want it somewhere where it would be visible all the time. Please give me some advice to get started.


Sounds like you've got things well in hand. The shop I go to only hires artists with fine art degrees. I'm sure this isn't mandatory to procure a good tattoo, but it's comforting.

The small of the back is a pretty good place to get a tattoo--it's an attractive location on women and isn't prone to stretch marks or sagging. Now you can plan for the next one. *warning* Once you get one, it's all over. Tattooing is addictive.
This is a kenpo tattoo that I've designed and I would like to have put on my shoulder. I've made about 6 different designs but I like this one best, what do people think? I've super-imposed it over a pic of my arm to try and get an impression of what it might look like.



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That looks really cool. What does the writing on both sides say?
satans.barber said:
This is a kenpo tattoo that I've designed and I would like to have put on my shoulder. I've made about 6 different designs but I like this one best, what do people think? I've super-imposed it over a pic of my arm to try and get an impression of what it might look like.

I think it looks AWESOME. It would make a great tattoo!
mj-hi-yah said:
satans.barber that looks very very cool!:cool: What other designs do you have?

The other ones were the same text arranged around different dragons. Some of the dragons looked a bit naff though, none of the other designs were as nice as the last one which I posted. I'm glad people like it, I'll have to put a photo of the finished article up once I've had it done!

Thanks for everyone's opinions,

I have 3,

My first is the grim reaper with a sickle, his robe is adorned with the American Flag, and under him is written, 'Iraq -2003-'

Next, I have a Sportbike, a Honda CBR600RR on my left shoulder blade, and on my left upper arm i have a small cross..

In the works..or as soon as i decided upon getting it..is the Japanese Kanji Nin.
My sister-in-law advised me to take a couple Advil before getting my tatoo to help with the pain. I thought it might increase bleeding. What do you all recommend?

If Advil thins the blood, then, yes it will increase the bleeding, and I would not reccommend that. But I don't know if Advil does that or not. A Doctorologist I am not.
SLTL - I love Advil and Ibuprofen - they make the splits so easy!

Seriously - I don't know if you'll really need any. I didn't. It mainly stung for me like someone took a little sandpaper to my skin - and my tat is low on the abdomen - sensitive skin there. It really didn't hurt as much as I expected it to.

Any pain-relieving drug may thin the blood. You'd be better off with a shot or two of Makers Mark or Jose Cuervo if you really must numb the pain.

Happy Tatting!!!
Thanks. I'll skip the Advil. I think all those pain relievers do thin the blood. I have a high pain tolerence anyway and am not worried about it, it's just when my sister-in-law recommended it I thought, well it couldn't hurt. But then the blood thinning came to mind so I'm glad I asked.
I've got about 4 weeks to go. Arg. It's been a long wait. Getting closer now though. :)

Thanks again.
Hey there tigerlady,

Though it may be tempting to have a couple beers or a shot before the needlework begins, it's best just to gut it out. Drink when you get home, in moderation if at all, and enjoy the endorphins in the meantime. Alcohol flushes the capillaries near the surface of your skin, so you bleed a lot more. This bleeding can flush the ink and reduce the quality of your tat, not to mention make it difficult for the artist to work. If they know you've been drinking, most good artists who care about their reputations will turn you away. I mentioned endorphins; your body will naturally produce pain killers for you. I usually feel pretty high when I leave a long ink session.

As for pain, it's all relative. The closer to the bone or nerve centers, the worse off you are. For example, the back of the knee, near the spine, or top of the foot are some of the more painful places to get inked. It also depends on the artist. When my wife and I got our wedding bands done a few years back, the artist was really good but the most PAINFUL guy I'd been to. He pressed really hard on the needle, which resulted in good definition, but it felt like I had slid on tarmac at 60 miles per. Usually it just feels like a mild rug burn.
When I got my tat done on my back, I found the lower I went the more it hurt. I started at the top of my shoulder blade, and it actually felt quite good, but as I got lower to the more flabbier parts of the back........it was sore!!!!!!
psi_radar - Hmmmmm.....my appointment is actually at 8am. I usually like to have a couple beers (2 or 3) in the evening. Do you think this will still affect it in the morning or should I just skip beer completely the night before?

Raisin - well, I'm having my lower back tatooed. I'm thin but have good muscle tone including my back. I'm expecting it will hurt pretty bad on the spine but be tolerable on either side of it. I expect I'll be sore for while as it heals...but hey, I've had kids, How bad can this be? :D
No beers..A couple of places I know of won't work on you if they smell alcohol on you...As a wise old biker told me, "The tatoo is free, you're paying for the pain"..
Ooooo -- tattoos...

Don't have one yet, I'm holding it out as a reward for when I am finally in the physical shape I want to be in. Figure on getting either the Valknott, or a simple runic design, uruz-eihwaz-tiwaz, that I've drawn up. Will probably be on my shoulder blade, rather than shoulder, but still debating on that.

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