
Raisin said:
What I meant to say was I would need a bar next door to have a good stiff drink afterwards.:uhyeah: After being on the table for after an hour can be quite painful and having a bar next door could be quite medcinal for a quick shot of something. LOL I have never had my tattoo's done under the influence of anything, and you are right 99% of the tattoo parlours will not service you if you are.
Now that makes sense!
(I shoulda known better.:D )
SL TigerLady,

I will see what I can do. I'll try and get the picture this weekend, but not sure when I can post. Need to do it from home computer and right now I'll be working a 10-hour and 14-hour day. Hopefully, early next week.

triwahine said:
SL TigerLady,

I will see what I can do. I'll try and get the picture this weekend, but not sure when I can post. Need to do it from home computer and right now I'll be working a 10-hour and 14-hour day. Hopefully, early next week.

Cool. I'll look forward to seeing it. :asian:
I like the reddish one in the top left the best, it's a great color and very crisp. Is it abstract, or does it represent something?
I'm new, Hi everyone. I have some ink . some of it is old very embarassing stuff from my younger days. but when I get the $$ I'll get 'em covered
Feisty Mouse said:
I like the reddish one in the top left the best, it's a great color and very crisp. Is it abstract, or does it represent something?
It's from Star Wars. The emblem of the Rebellion! :D You'll find it on the pilots helmets.

I know a couple of (caving gals) that have this type of tattoo. One had it on the back of (the base) of her neck and the other just below the panty line above her butt. No, the pic isn't from either of them. If I ever do then ya'll be the first to see 'em... (MAYbe) :uhyeah:


Technopunk said:
These are lousy photos, but oh well... they really do look a lot better IRL:
Wow. They're awesome!

fluffy - Embarrassing stuff from younger days hmmmm????? :D Share!

MACaver - A bat tattoo is pretty cool for a caver. :supcool:
Feisty Mouse said:
I like the reddish one in the top left the best, it's a great color and very crisp. Is it abstract, or does it represent something?
Yep. Caver got it right. Its the Rebel Alliance Insignia from Star Wars.
triwahine's awesome tattoo!


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Cool tattoos, everyone! All of them are very distinctive. :supcool:
I'm going to call around local tattoo parlors & check the web to get info & see what designs they have to offer. I've a few things in mind (Chinese symbol for heart or love, Kenpo Universal pattern, or Yin/Yang). Will keep you posted on the search.

In the meantime, keep sharing! :)
I can't post mine since I'm not a supporting member. Can I email a picture to someone and they post it for me?
Baytor said:
I can't post mine since I'm not a supporting member. Can I email a picture to someone and they post it for me?
Sure--as long as the picture is no larger than the MT limit (I think it's 200 x 200 pixels). Just click on one of the supporting members' usernames & select "send a e-mail to ____" & attach the photo. Then whoever you e-mailed it to should be able to post it.

Hopefully that should work. :)
7starmantis said:
Or you could become a supporting member, some great benefits you know!! ;) 7sm
Definitely! I know I've gotten my money's worth from all the great info & nice people I've met here. :D (and it's only $12 per year--just $1 per month!)
Sil Lum TigerLady,

Thanks so much for posting my tattoo picture!! Really appreciate all the help.

Thanks for posting it for me Gin-Gin. :asian:

I just want to say also that it looks way cooler when not all shrunk down.

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