Dear Whoop and Mao,
Major disagreement here on tapi-tapi was the heart of the art. Take a look at tapi-tapi as a concept and you have counter for counter. However, the
drill tapi-tapi is just that, a drill.
I had been with Prof. Presas for 22 years up to his death. If you review his earlier material, what he calls tapi-tapi now was cane sparring in the past. Yes, people were not ready for it but at the same time,
he hadn't come up with a method for teaching it. Prof. Presas was not a scientific, analytical man with a scientific methodology for teaching. He was a master of motion and worked over the years in his presentation of what
he could do. When he finally figured it out, he taught it.
Now as far as the current students who have been taught tapi-tapi without a thorough grounding in the basics (including the other drills I mentioned in my last post in this thread), if you break the pattern you'll throw them off, big time. I did this with one of the MOTTs a while back. Trust me on this one, I know of what I speak.
Now, before Kodai or some other knucklehead states that I am contradicting Prof. Presas or setting myself up as the current source point for "correct" Modern Arnis, I am not. However, regarding his stating that tapi-tapi was the heart of his art, he said the same thing about the flow and making the connection in years past.
One thing Prof. Presas was very good at was marketing his art so that it was continually fresh and new. (Hoo boy am I going to get some people pissed at me here!) I remember all the ground fighting techniques that surfaced date coincident with the rise of popularity of the UFC. So has it been with the current emphasis on tapi-tapi.
Any of you who have who have seminar tapes of Prof. Presas over the years will notice that his basics remain the same throughout the years. His flow, his making the connnection, his tapi-tapi remained the same (I'm not talking about his skill at them - that rose). His students did not. We got better so that he could elevate the teaching. Ask any of the old timers of Modern Arnis. It's true. All for now. I expect to hear from some of you about this.
Dan Anderson