You mean just your
two cents?
Otherwise I am reminded of my high school years when we had a Norwegian exchange student living at our house. In his language, like so many European languages, the vowel sounds for "e" and "i" were approximately the
reverse of how we say them in English, but on the other hand the formal, Latin-based terms for human sexual anatomy were spelled the same.
So, when we said we were going to
Penney's he laughed hysterically until red in the face. The word "pennies" has never been the same for me since.
Now to the topic. We employ terminology borrowed from our hand positions to make the defensive leg movements easy to understand. When defending against a low kick, if you aren't able to foot check, at least you can lift up your lead knee so that your shin guards centerline, deflecting the attack.
We call it
wu-gerk. If the force of the attack requires it, we adjust the position to spread the force to the outside with a
tan gerk, or roll the knee across to the inside with a
bong gerk, create an opening and follow with a kick or step.
Some groups from related lineages use the terms
man gerk and
jap gerk as well. I just like to keep things simple since I don't speak Cantonese.