I know that wing chun has some very heated lineage battles, and i know that alot of masters say they learned the only true wing chun, ving tsun, wing tsun, whatever. So what lineage are you and what do you like about yours that you think may be different or better than others.
Lineage: Well, I have studied the Siu Nim Tau of the Yip Man / Moy Yat System. It was required cross training at the time I was studying Tae Kwon Do. We used the Wing Chun for advanced hand drilling and such. I think that cross training was what got me interested in Wing Chun, just due to the depth and simplicity of the art.
My current lineage is the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kuen System, under Grandmaster Garret Gee and Master Benny Meng. So far as comparison/contrast, it has the three typical forms of most Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu and Biu Ji. I think that what sets is apart (from most other Wing Chun) is its initial training methodologies and theories. The core of the system is a conscious awareness and use of Three-Dimensional space. Every technique is trained using a formula that the Shaolin Monks derived in the 1600Â’s. The formula is designed to map out a specific area of space in which we operate at maximum efficiency while being true to 3-D Space. It is common to everyone, but also unique to everyone as well. I wonÂ’t touch on it too much unless someone wants to know more.
I have also experienced some of the Chi Sim Weng Chun System under Grandmaster Andreas Hoffman, and have found it to be very unique among the other Wing Chun I have seen and studied. It does not have the tight angles and small motions that most people are accustomed to in Wing Chun. The Weng Chun system has a very "Shaolin" look to it, meaning it is very fluid and graceful, a lot like a dance. There is no other way to describe it, you have to see it for yourself. It uses lots of Circles where other Wing Chun primarily uses Triangles. The most important thing that sets it apart from other Wing Chun are its principles and concepts. They are virtually identical to those of Hung Fa Yi, but have developed differently in their physical expression. The biggest one is "Lau", or Flow. Chi Sim players have great ability in changing and adapting to whatever shape they are given, finding its holes and using them to their advantage. Again, I will go into more detail if others are interested.
As some others have touched on, it is most unfortunate that there are the "Lineage Wars" that abound in the Wing Chun world. However, from what I have seen, these individuals are also those who are attached to their techniques and cannot see beyond them, they are trapped so to speak. Chi Sim looks nothing like any other Wing Chun, and Hung Fa Yi looks like much of it, but both are unique due to their guiding concepts and principles. There have even been instances of people stating the Chi Sim is "not Wing Chun" due to just seeing it. Lineage is technique, and Wing Chun has so much more to offer than "My teacher wasÂ…" As someone else put it earlier, a lineage means nothing on the street. What matters is if you can hold your own