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I know I got a 100 times better education in the Catholic school I went to than in the public schools in my town. Among other things it better prepared me for college and what came after. Sometimes the price you pay for a better education is more than just money.
Most kids hate discipline of any kind.

If you are going to stay here there are rules, you knew them when you signed up. If you cant live by the rules you are welcome to go elsewhere.

You dont join the Army and complain about the hours, the yelling and the physical discipline either. If that scares you join the Air Force. :)
BrandiJo said:
i am only suposed ot spend so much time wiht my bf and i am certainly not allowed to be alone with him (go ahead ask me if i follow that rule!)

ok: do you follow that rule?
he is 22 and was granted the ability to live off campus (stupid age rules) haha im over there as much as possible, and Im still sure that what the deans dont know cant hurt them ...or me
BrandiJo said:
he is 22 and was granted the ability to live off campus (stupid age rules) haha im over there as much as possible, and Im still sure that what the deans dont know cant hurt them ...or me

I was raised in a private christian school all through elementary. I got beat up, humiliated, and confined to solitary by Seniors(it was k to grade 12) almost every day. Unless my principal was telling them to do this, I think there was quite a bit of free thinking.

The problem wasn't that there were no rules or that they weren't enforced. It was that you could go anywhere out of teachers earshot or eyesight and do whatever you wanted. Also some of the staff were a little twisted in their beliefs.

Thinking about it gives me enough rage to spearhand my fingers into the wall.......
Through out history organized religion has been used for control rather than attaining true spiritual enlightenment. The internet is a great tool for freedom of speech. Also porn.

"You dont join the Army and complain about the hours, the yelling and the physical discipline either. If that scares you join the Air Force."

How come we don't have a flipping the bird smiley.