Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home

I don't know how their system works in Chicago, but here kids have to pay for a school lunch. So if some low income kids can't afford it, the Chicago school is just fine with those kids going hungry?

I suppose starving them is one way of keeping them from getting fat...

Another point that bothers me: around here the schools have candy and soda machines. Unless the Chicago school has eliminated those, you just know the kids are loading up on soda and chips instead of the "bad tasting" school lunch.
I don't know how their system works in Chicago, but here kids have to pay for a school lunch. So if some low income kids can't afford it, the Chicago school is just fine with those kids going hungry?

I suppose starving them is one way of keeping them from getting fat...

Another point that bothers me: around here the schools have candy and soda machines. Unless the Chicago school has eliminated those, you just know the kids are loading up on soda and chips instead of the "bad tasting" school lunch.

The state (or whomever) pays for the school lunches if the kid's family can't afford it.

LOl, yeah, the snacks...I don't think there is a healthy snack to be had. maybe the big pickle is 'healthy'...but chips?
Cute another person who believes in the kindness of mankind...

Umm...what the hell are you rambling about???

have you seen the school menus nutrition factlist?
I have not seen this particular schools, but I have seen many other schools and not one has been anywhere close to healthy...
If anyone believes this is about the kids health, and not about dollars and cents and the bottom line... then I have some highly nutritious, desert wild veggies to sell you... its gourmet, fairly rare, and has unheard of health benefits... do not listen to the naysayers who would call them weeds... act now before I finish weeding...ermmmm harvesting the crop..
But back to the discussion, here in California a recent school lunch at the highschool when analized showed that it contained almost 1500 calories, and the fat and sodium content was through the roof. no they could go healthy, but then they lose money... so they go with what sells the most.

Sorry, I'm not an expert on school meals. Way back when, when I was in school, the meals were portioned out. Yes, we also had a soda machine, and a spot where we could buy icecream, cupcakes, and other assorted goodies. LOL. Do they still have that today? No idea. But, I"d take a guess, and say that they're trying to weed out what they can. I stand corrected then. I thought the schools were making an honest attempt, but apparently not.

Funny though....this article is talking about schools saying they want kids to eat the school lunch, yet its no healthier than what they may bring from home.
Whats the saying....You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

Well, same thing here. People can preach until they're blue in the face, but if someone really has no desire to keep themselves healthy and choose to blow up to 400+lbs, then so be it. People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions, instead of trying to pawn that job off on someone else. Additionally, its really not the job of anyone, except said person, to worry about someone elses health. But, I do see why that is a concern. I mean after all, if nobody is at least making an attempt to educate someone....

I used the sex-ed. as an example above. Parents hate the thought of the school or anyone but them, educating their kids about sex. If/when they choose to do so, is their right. But when the parents dont, the kids dont know any better, and fall victim to peer thing ya and dad are gradma and grandpa. LOL. If nobody at least made an effort to tell people that if they make fast food their choice for all 3 meals, they'll probably die at an early age. But again, you can't make that horse drink if they dont wanna. :)

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