Tae Kwon Do, pain and old people


Senior Master
Yestarday I went dojang very early in the evening and helped sambonim with the kids cause this sunday we have kup examination, so basically I was teaching/showing and doing review of the poonsae with the children.

I had a lot of cramps in my feet's soles, it was very disconforting and don't know why. The cramps are something usual don't know if it is for the exercise/work out but sometimes I had them even laying in bed.

Do you know why the cramps are coming so ofthen on me? they are very desconforting doing TKD in ther dojang, some times I have to break the stance or exercise and take a few seconds to ease the pain.

I found this video on youtube about a 77 years old lady, TKD is not only for kids uh???

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I know TKD is a barefoot activity traditionally, but you may want to consider wearing some shoes designed for martial arts practice. I have a student with extremely flat feet that I allow to wear shoes, because she needs the added stability and cushioning.
Manny, there are other possible causes, but for me nutrition helps reduce or prevent cramps. Hydration needs to include potassium and sodium (electrolytes). I also watch my calcium since I'm getting older.

Best wishes, as the young kids are much fun.

somebody here suggested tonic water for cramps. wasn't too long ago either.

I would guess that your electrolytes, magnesium and potassium are a bit out of whack. I suppose you can get that checked at a doctor's office.

But usually a banana or something helps a lot.
I used to get foot cramps a lot; so I started on electrolytes and a potassium supplement. Hardly ever get them any more, but bananas help on the occasions when I do.

Re: wearing shoes; I have extremely flat feet, and I can't work out in shoes at all--even with the potassium, shoes cause me extreme foot cramps and other foot pain. For running (not my favorite activity), I have to wear shoes with no arch support, unless I'm feeling very masochistic.
I get awful cramps -- seizures really -- on my hamstrings every once in a while and a potassium imbalance is usually to blame. I tend to sweat very much and lose lots of salt and other mineral when when I work out. I've had those cramps since my teens when I played serious soccer, so age or conditioning doesn't seem to be the issue.

Bananas seem to solve the problem. Sometime warm water with a little salt also works. There are other cause and remedies for cramps mentioned here: http://www.health911.com/remedies/rem_cramp.htm. And the usual disclaimer: I am not a doctor so it would be advisable to consult one if the problem persists.
Thank you folks, I will try the bananas (for the potasium) and drink electrolites in tkd classes. About the feet, well when I train kenpo (2 times per week) I use Martial Art Shoes because we don't have matt, so we train in the bare floor, but even using the MA shoes once in a while I have cramps, however over the cushion mat of my TKD dojang I train bare foot cause it's more confortable.

I will try the bananas or platanos.

A good pair of tkd shoes can work wonders. I prefer to train barefoot but have a good pair of adidas tkd shoes that I wear when I get any problems with my feet. The shoes are so light and have such a thin sole that it almost feels as if Im bare feet when wearing them.