I felt a little disconforting


Senior Master
Yestarday I went to dojang to say hellow, I deciden to not train till complete my foot therapy, the doctor know I love TKD but told me to stay calm and not train.

So as you may know I've been like a caged lion so I went to dojang to ease myself a little. I chated with the parents and saw the class but sambunim aproached and told me he wanted me to go to train and not for visit, I was a little uposet but politely told him by doctor's order I can't train because of my foot condtion.

My sambonim told me to come today to train and then I told him I can't put my foot on stress and can't do kicking drills, again sambonim told me to come to train that I will do something else like pushups,crunches,flexibility and so on.

To finish I told sambonim I can do hand techs,defense techs and perhaps a little poomsae but again I can not kick.

Sambunim finishing conversation telling me he does not want me as a visitor that if I go to donjang I must train.

I felt a little unconfortable, and don't know if go to dojang tonight or don't go till I finish therapy but this will take me 10 days more, because I know sambunim will put me on kicking and I don't want to.

Perhaps your master is feeling more stress because he counts on you to teach, and now he must teach more classes. If you go to talk with him I suggest going near the end of the last class so you cannot be pulled into training. You might tell him that you are following doctor's orders so you will hopefully miss less taekwondo. If you ignore doctor's orders you might be out even longer. He should support you so he gets you back healthy. He may not have experience with heel spurs and not understand.

Yestarday I went to dojang to say hellow, I deciden to not train till complete my foot therapy, the doctor know I love TKD but told me to stay calm and not train.

So as you may know I've been like a caged lion so I went to dojang to ease myself a little. I chated with the parents and saw the class but sambunim aproached and told me he wanted me to go to train and not for visit, I was a little uposet but politely told him by doctor's order I can't train because of my foot condtion.

My sambonim told me to come today to train and then I told him I can't put my foot on stress and can't do kicking drills, again sambonim told me to come to train that I will do something else like pushups,crunches,flexibility and so on.

To finish I told sambonim I can do hand techs,defense techs and perhaps a little poomsae but again I can not kick.

Sambunim finishing conversation telling me he does not want me as a visitor that if I go to donjang I must train.

I felt a little unconfortable, and don't know if go to dojang tonight or don't go till I finish therapy but this will take me 10 days more, because I know sambunim will put me on kicking and I don't want to.

You need to lose that guy like a set of car keys.
Manny I do not understand why he does not want you their, to me that shows just how important TKD is to you. I would just go and talk and explain why and what you are feeling right now.
It's highly inappropriate for him to try to get you to go against your doctor's orders. Perhaps he doesn't understand the seriousness of your condition. If he keeps on after you've explained fully, I think you should get as far away from him as possible.
It sounds from time to time that you have some friction with your sabom, Manny. From both sides, although we can only hear your side. Not sure what else I can say, other that I hope you can work things out.
It sounds to me like maybe many of the students were excited to see Manny back at the Dojang and were glad he visited...

Maybe, his master is a little jealous of Manny?
That pride thing is a big problem for many Masters. It is his Dojang and I would do as he wishes and stay away until properly healed. When the time is right you should speak to your Sabonim and clear the air. It may just be a misunderstanding!!!
He may have simply been trying to make sure you didn't fall into the "got hurt, couldn't train till healed, never came back" club. That's why I encourage everyone to come to class, and train as much as they are able, even when they're sick or hurt. Otherwise, they find it very easy to fill the time that they used to train with something else.
It sounds to me like maybe many of the students were excited to see Manny back at the Dojang and were glad he visited...

Maybe, his master is a little jealous of Manny?
That's true Manny. He could be upset about you training in other arts as well. Some Teachers are like that.
I think my sambunim does not realice that my injure needs time to heal or maybe he thinks I am taking it too seriusly and it's not a big thing.I forgot to tell you yestarday sambunim told me in his youth he injured severily a knee and the doctor said to him that maybe he won't be able to run again and he overcomed his problem and reasuming his training in a blink.

I am not faking a thing and believe me this phasitis plantar is driving me crazy!! I will like to go training but this maybe could hurt me more. I had spend big money in medicins, doctors and therapist.

I wont go training, I will rest from TKD more days and see how I feel, I will go the kup's examination only to get my second dan diploma and then see if I can start slowly.

It really piss me off that sambunim think that I am tacking my problem too seriusly, I went to dojang just to say hellow and to keep in touche with the guys and sambonim.

Perhaps your master is feeling more stress because he counts on you to teach, and now he must teach more classes. If you go to talk with him I suggest going near the end of the last class so you cannot be pulled into training. You might tell him that you are following doctor's orders so you will hopefully miss less taekwondo. If you ignore doctor's orders you might be out even longer. He should support you so he gets you back healthy. He may not have experience with heel spurs and not understand.


Nope, right now is vacational time from the kids and not many are atending dojang. I wanted to ask sambunim permision to teach one class two times per week so I can be inside the mat doing not much exercise and keeping my feet healthy and contributing with dojang but it seems the sambonim wanted me to keep training hard to loose some bacon and improve my kikcking.

Sambunim knows I am following the doctor's advice.

Nope, right now is vacational time from the kids and not many are atending dojang. I wanted to ask sambunim permision to teach one class two times per week so I can be inside the mat doing not much exercise and keeping my feet healthy and contributing with dojang but it seems the sambonim wanted me to keep training hard to loose some bacon and improve my kikcking.

Sambunim knows I am following the doctor's advice.


In my experience, it's easy to think that if something worked for me, it should work for someone else. Strong-willed people who have been encouraged to believe they know best are quick to tell others what to do. I think it is an ongoing test of a master to remain humble and recognize that he does not hold all of the answers, even though students treat him as though he does.

It is also a test for you how you handle this. As you may be a future master, how can you deal with this situation with courtesy and integrity?

Best wishes sir!
Plantar's fascitis is one of those things that you probably have to experience to realize just how much it can hurt and impair your activities. Your teacher may simply not understand what's happening. And, as I said awhile back -- it can take a long time to heal. Once your doctor clears you, gradually increasing your activity may help, though.
Plantar's fascitis is one of those things that you probably have to experience to realize just how much it can hurt and impair your activities. Your teacher may simply not understand what's happening. And, as I said awhile back -- it can take a long time to heal. Once your doctor clears you, gradually increasing your activity may help, though.

That's exactly what I want to do, finish the therapy got a written report go to the trauma doctor and get an advise directly from him. Afther that get involded in TKD in a easy way and increase the activity step by step.

I think I can do a few things iside the mat for example: give some classes, concentrate on hands techs and blocks, some hosisul but stay away from hard kicking drills.

In my experience, it's easy to think that if something worked for me, it should work for someone else. Strong-willed people who have been encouraged to believe they know best are quick to tell others what to do. I think it is an ongoing test of a master to remain humble and recognize that he does not hold all of the answers, even though students treat him as though he does.

It is also a test for you how you handle this. As you may be a future master, how can you deal with this situation with courtesy and integrity?

Best wishes sir!

This is very good advice. Those who handle these situations well become more successful over time. We all have to manage up at times. This is a good test of your diplomatic skills. Handling these types of situations well! Will make you a better person/Martial Artist!