Father's class


Senior Master
I's oficial, Manny is giving adult men class (Father's class).

My sambonim reached me by phone yestarday and told me the class I was wanting for so long was set, so last night I went to dojang to give the new father's class, we are starting, only one puppil, a 41 years old man.

Sambonim and I want to invite the children dad's to come and start in TKD, I hope we can get at least 3 more dad's.

We are in the begining but who knows? maybe this class can be one nice project where old Manny can grow as a instructor and set up a Clasic TKD program.

We did light jogging, light streetching and felxibility work and then we proceded with the basics, you know, basic stances (moa sogi,naranji sogi, chumi sogi,chuchum sogi) and basic motong chirugi (middle reverse punch).

Sambonim asked me to start slowly with the new student because he want's technike first than speed and power, so basically I taught how to clench a fist, how to chamber the fist and how to deliver a good solid reverse punch from the horse stance.

The class was light but well done, I can't go fast with this new student.

I had cero disconfort with my foot but the class as I wrote you before was very light, I was wearing my TKD shoes with the insoles doctor's order me to use. Today I had a little disconfort on the foot but I did some stretching exercise for the fascia plantar and walked ok.


Second class yesterday, 4 men atending, I hope this class can grow a little more and get 10 students, but 4 it's a good starting number cause I can pay more attention to detail with each one.

Againg light jogging,light streetching/flexibility work and basic techs (montong chirugi, ogul makki,are makki,stances) and crunches at the end of class.

My foot is ok and I will giving classes this month and half the next one, then slowly resume training.

Sounds like it may turn into something, keep going and remember to get your fathers to help bring in more fathers.
Congratulations on getting your class together!

Like Terry said, word of mouth is the best advertising-get those fathers to bring in their friends.

Good luck!

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