Spookey said:
Dear Sir,
If you are not in control of the weapon you cannot control the line of fire, and one wrong twitch or flinch on the weapon holders part and the firearm may discharge even without the intention of the weapon holder!
OK, let's take this one piece of mechanics out of the whole situation and analyze it. You are telling me that if you are holding a firearm, I cannot control where you point the gun? You have an arm with a hand at the end (holding a knife, gun, or heck even a light saber) ? So you mean I can use your arm to control your body (such as in the use of arm bars), but I cannot use your arm to control your hand and your body? I can keep your arm from bending, no? If I control where you point the weapon I keep you from shooting anyone, but pretty soon you would have far more things to worry about than pulling the trigger of a gun you cannot aim. Keep in mind the safest place to be is between the weapon and the attacker, NOT in front of the weapon. Think about that for a while.
Spookey said:
Never had this happen with a "red gun"...BECAUSE THE TRIGGER DOESNT WORK! Try that with an unloaded J-Frame revolver in the single action mode!
Think that over, and try it a time or two in real time!
To be honest, we have used various weapons that fire objects including the airsoft guns which are generally dimensionally correct for their real world counterpart. What I am talking about works, as can be demonstrated over and over. If you control the attacker you certainly control the weapon, but if you are struggling for control of the weapon it becomes a struggle of strength and the one who is "STRONGER" is likely to win. Meanwhile while your struggling with the weapon, the attacker's buddy shoots you in the back (which at this point has not even been brought up).
Try grabbing the knife out of the hands of a trained knife fighter, see what happens. Same as trying to grab a gun and control it from a trained gun weilding attacker, that is a good way to get shot.
So I respectfully disagree with you on all points.
EDIT: In all fairness, when I say control the attacker I mean control the attacker in it's entirety. Including where the attacker is pointing the weapon. So there might be a misunderstanding of what I mean by control! But I DO NOT mean grabbing the weapon and wrestling it out of the attackers hands.