Totally Tae Kwon Do Magazine - Issue 11


Black Belt
Out Now folks.


Issue 11 - January 2010 - Content

Totally TKD News
Why Is TaeKwon-DoÂ’s History So Hard To Find?
Totally TKD Q & A
An Interview With Grandmaster Byung Kon Cho
Honest JohnÂ’s Product Review: Star TaeKwon-Do
The Making Of A Black Belt
Basic Defensive & Offensive Sparring Fundamentals
The ‘Do’ And The Importance Of Teaching The ‘Do’
Fight To Survive - Military Style
21st PUMA Black Belt Presentation Evening & Seminar
Totally TKD Magazine Wants You!
Strength Training For Tae Kwon Do
The Lost Art Of Tang Soo Do - Part 2
16th ITF Congress Meeting - Report
My HapKiDo 2nd Degree Black Belt Test
Master Steve Seo Seminar
LaJust Electronic Body Protector
Submission Guidelines
Where To Download Totally Tae Kwon Do
What a perfect way to start the New Year. Thank you as always for the effort and more importantly the result you put in to producing a great piece for our art.
The History article in itself made this issue. I truly believe we are in a period of self awareness in the art.
It seems with folks now looking at our art with different glasses we are also looking to improve and refine a wonderful thing which has been left to us.
Nothing could be as inspiring as getting this on the 1st day of the year.


Dave O.

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