Yellow Belt
I have heard all kinds of views and opinions concerning Tae Kwon Do. It always end the same way with my friends, they say something and their lack of knowledge leads them to become a practitioner of the art. Over and over again I listen to critics, most who have never practiced a martial art until MMA came around and the "discovery" of Brazilian Jujistsu. Now all of these "masters" piont their fingers at TKD and say......"Thats not really a martial art, it's a sport"! Recently a good friend of mine, and former R.O.K. Marine was invited to attend a Brazilian Jujistsu training session. One of the instructor noted that when he walked in the room that he was a trained soldier, and remarked to one of his students who'd belittle him earlier " Look before you leap!" The young student approached my friend and asked him if he'd ever practiced martial art before, and he replied "Yes Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido" the young man disrespectfully laughed in his face. The instructor offered an apology, but the damage was done according to the young man. "Tae Kwon Do?, that aint no martial art!!" My friend replied; "I will give you three chances to take me down, and if you do I leave. They young man realized quickly he'd bite off more than he could chew. The instructor told my friend he was welcome anytime, and the young apologized after he regained conscienous some time later. Saying BBJ is worthless would start a commotion greater the fall of the Berlin Wall, so why do folks think it okay to do the same with TKD. I practice both and have a fond respect of all martial arts, never putting down one or the other. All we are asking for is the respect that is do, for after all the Republic of Korea Marine Corps can't be wrong and they've beenat it for some time!!