“Sorry but arts are not street-effective. People are or are not street effective. At the moment of truth it is only you; no rank, no belt, no trophy, no dojo technique, no head gear, no gloves, nothing but you.
How will you handle the pressure at that moment? How will you handle the fear at that moment? When you look inside your attacker's eyes and see his intent to cause you great harm, how will react? What will be YOUR emotion and response to his intent? During training your art may or may not tell you it's version of the ideal response is but at that moment none of that will matter.....as it will be only you. You can have all of the technique and ability in the world but it can all be for not at that moment of truth if the answers to the questions above are not positive.
How does each art prepare the individual to study these questions? How does the art challenge each student to study fear, if at all? How does each art prepare the student for the emotional stress at the moment of truth?”