The point I am trying to get across is you want to learn SD, but don’t actually seem to know who or what it is you are defending yourself from (An all too common problem). Rather than learning to deal with the crimes/criminals you are most likely to be a victim of, so that your SD defence training is relevant to you, you seem to be training KM as some sort of swiss army knife MA to deal with any and all possible scenarios.
If your 80 year old Gran came to you and asked you to teach her SD, because her friend had had her handbag stolen, you wouldn’t tell her to go to the local boxing club in case she ever gets into a bar fight. Instead you would teach her about how muggers go about selecting their victims, so that she knows what behaviour to avoid doing, and therefore greatly lessen her chances of being selected as a victim.
Of course, if she also wants to go to her local boxing gym for fun, that’s fine
but that doesn’t make it a SD class for 80 year old grans.
If you are worried about bar fights, avoid bars with bad repuations, learn verbal de-escalation and pre-emptive striking. If you are worried about being mugged learn how muggers select their victims so you can lessen your chances of beign slected as victim. If you are worried about being a victim of domestic abuse learn to recognise the warning signs of a potentially abusive relaitonship so you can get out early. If you are worried about being sexually assaulted whilst you go for a run, then avoid joggiong down alleyways were you can be ambushed, don't wear a hooded as it restricts your vision,and don't run with headphones in.
The list goes on, but basically none of the things I have listed you will learn in a KM class. So if you enjoy KM keep doing it, that's great, but don't think you're learning SD that's relevant to you. The vast majority of SD skills for people who live in rich countries with low crimes rates, and non physical.