Then the question is, Ras, how delusional are you?!?!
You never said that your version was a better, or improved version of the "standard" Sword and Hammer, yet put it up as a direct comparrison?!?! You admit that you aren't even dealing with the same attack, yet berate the standard form as not being able to handle the attack you're now using?!?! What on earth was the point of showing the "standard" if it wasn't anything to do with your technique... and why on earth did you keep arguing when that was pointed out from the very first response I gave you?!?! Can you not see how the confusion has occurred, and how you have in fact been the architect and orchestrator of such since your very first post?!?!
Seriously, Ras, we've been saying from the beginning that your version is not even related to the first ones you show (the standard forms), and have been asking you to clarify that... which you have completely failed to do. Now, 12 pages and 167 posts in, you've finally said that your technique has no connection to the original from whom you took the name, and very little else... so what was the point? You might as well have put up a video of someone defending against a bear hug and pointed out how that defence doesn't work against a stabbing knife attack.
At first I wasn't going to reply to this post...the dooficity level was exceptional even for Chris. But others prevailed upon me to respond. This thread has quite a few views, so it's clear that there are more people scanning this thread than Chris Twin Fist Kenshin and jks9199. It is for the benefit of these others that I reply [ even though quite a few of these "others" took it upon themselves to contact me and express privately their amusement over my detractors not grasping the amazing obviousness of my oft-repeated position ].
So. For the last time... position has always been one of Functionality over Dysfunction. I have always been a proponent of what Bruce and others called the "Alive" Method. This means train realistically. Actually grab. Actually punch, choke, whack with the stick, stab realistically with the knife and keep going, really tackle, etc etc. Do NOT pose, or other horribly unrealistic stuff.
None of the craptasticness masquerading as THEE IP has even the faintest element of realism. Let us take this more common stuff that others like Chris think is a wonderful tech.
This tech purports to defeat what is essentially a Hockey Punch from the flank...sans grab or punch. It takes as a working hypothesis that Kenpoists in general will be able to act and react preemptively with the Sword and Hammer as a central element and tenant to the tech itself. They take it for granted that essentially newb Kenpoists [ Yellow Belters ] in general will reliably react to fast enough to an attack in progress to get off the handsword and hammerfist to their targets prior to the punch even being thrown.
Look carefully. The common expression of Sword and Hammer is against something that isn't an ACTUAL attack, it's in response to a POTENTIAL attack in progress. You catch the BG before he throws the punch. Fencers call it catching him on the "preparation".
This contention is roundly refuted on the mat in objective reality. The whole premise is flawed and rather preposterous. 2 Kenpo Elders whom I've been known to both agree and disagree with--Larry Tatum and Doc Chapel--both concur at the absurdness of this idea. So do I. In fact, Mr. Tatum wrote an article touching upon this facet in the training of Kenpoists when he wrote a piece about stepping in to Triggered Salute or something.
The central tenet of this tech is flawed and wholly divorced from combat reality. Sans proper functional training to make the tech workable? Newbs and most people period will not be able to react with this tech under duress in that scenario. WITH proper functional training? You STILL won't do it exactly as the more common expression does it because the more common Sword and Hammer expressions articulate dysfunction.
In other words...if it reliably works? It won't look like the more common Sword and Hammer IP expression.
However, if you have a functional expression such as mine? You reliably defeat the BG in both the "classic" scenario [ you react before the punch is thrown ] aaaaaaannnnd multiple other scenarios that the more common expression Sword and Hammer doesn't approach and has no hope of addressing with their expression.
Look at this more common Sword and Hammer expression go to 1:52:
and look at these videos of the more common Sword and Hammer expression here. Pay close attention to their positioning:
and look at this more common expression of the Sword and Hammer, the only one that actually mentions being pulled and attempts to explain how the more common expression of the tech defeats the pull:
Look at how similar that position is to my starting position here:
Go to 0:54 of this video. We start at the same or very similar my scenario, though, I have the BG actually fire punches.
The rest should be obvious. I cover punches, multiple angles of attack, pushes and pulls, and even though I don't show it on video I gave a 15 Round training method that covers everything up to and including weapons and multifights...all with the Sword and Hammer...and will allow a complete newb to be able to fight with that tech in 8 hours or less.
I've been contacted by several MMA coaches and self-defense instructors who saw my post. They thanked me for publishing it and informed me that they're using this method and a few others that I demonstrated with exactly the speedy success that I guaranteed that it would yield.
The above is part of the reason why I can say all at once and be undeniably right that:
1. The Sword and Hammer that is most popular is dysfunctional, and there are no lessons to be learned from it other than: FIX IT SO IT WORKS
2. Supporters of this tech who claim that the tech defeats the flank Hockey Punch before the punch can be thrown do NOT fight with the tech or spar with it with any kind of realistic energy or their opinions are factually without merit.
3. Any Sword and Hammer that works perforce cannot look like the common expression. Even those who claim that the classic tech exactly as proscribed will eventually admit that they use it primarily as a teaching tool or intro or something but they don't and can't fight with it exactly as shown in the more common expression.
4. I'm not dealing with JUST the same scenario of the "more common" dysfunctional expression S&H, I'm dealing with a 360 degree Hockey Punch attack which is perpetually superior to the dysfunctional single side expression. Note that my version covers all of the various positioning that the more traditional, dysfunctional tech proponents take...and I do more. The Sword and Hammer that does more in a superior manner than the Sword and Hammer that does less is without a doubt the superior expression.
5. I don't have to compare my expression to the less functional expression; all I have to do is show that mine works. If I'm not lost, and I'm safe at home? Well, I don't have to prove that I'm NOT lost to people who are lost. It's incumbent upon the lost to orient themselves...and after they orient themselves and bring themselves to a point that they recognize that they're not lost? They'll see that I've looong been where they were trying to go to. I can, however, offer a map to get home. If you don't want to make it back to the Land of the Found and Functional? Cool. Have fun with the Lost Boys.
6. Chris Parker's second paragraph simply shows that he is completely lost...and that's okay. My tech is related to the original in the sense that the Mercedes or Bentley or some such is related to a broken down inoperational Model T. My version is the more operational more modern top of the line expression. It actually does what the Model T purports to's a automated conveyance...and it does it in ways far superior to and never imagined by the poor dysfunctional broken down Model T.
Lastly for those who asked...I never changed the name of my techs. I simply abbreviated the whole name for two reasons:
1. I refer to my ATACX GYM KENPO KARATE SWORD AND HAMMER as...ATACX GYM KENPO SWORD AND HAMMER during class. It's full name as I wrote it down is ATACX GYM KENPO KARATE SWORD AND HAMMER RADIUS R.D.L. 1-4. Saying that over and over again is a mouth full so I say SWORD AND HAMMER in class. [ Everybody in my Gym...literally everyone...knows that our techs are different than other schools' techs. When we go scout other schools at various competitons before we spar with and compete against them? Everyone from the newbs to the seasoned Coaches in my Gym sees the huge advantage we have over them due to our superior functional training. ]
2. It's hard to get a name as long as the official name for my tech onto youtube easily.
If you don't get it by now? Fine. Thank you to the dozens of you who've contacted me and informed me that you do get it and you do appreciate what I'm trying to convey. Thank you to people like jks9199 who disagree with me but do so from a position of openminded intelligent criticism and cordiality, which I will and do return in kind.
Chris and Twin Fist? We disagree. Let's leave it at that.