In my opinion, in the martial arts context, it is about not making things unnecessarily compicated. And I do make a distinction between "complicated" and "complex". Complicated is not a good thing in this context, while complex can be, depending on what is going on.
Doing a simple thing absolutely correctly can be difficult and complex. There's enough going on with the simple stuff. Why complicate it?
In my opinion, the SD Tech approach that is prevalent in most kenpo branches is overly complicated. The individual SD Techs are too complicated, and the fact that there are so many of them adds to the complications. It's complicated squared. That's my opinion.
Ras, the approach that you are taking is making it complicated cubed. I don't get it. Maybe it works for you, but honestly, I just don't get it. I think there are easier ways to go about it that are far less complicated and give tremendous results. While some may get results with the complicated way, I'd say it's taking the long way to get there. Like going from San Francisco to Oakland via Des Moines...
Okay fair points and I hear this alot...but consider this answer gentlemen:
My approach is not complication by any means. It's simplification. If you're focused on the preeminence of performance.
See...I think that the well-rounded martial arts student is given the skill sets to perform against the more common and consistent methods of attack on the streets first and even in martial competition second [ if so desired ]. That includes weapons, striking range, clinch range, seated, kneeling, and ground range. It's inclusive of Escape, Rescue, Rescue AND Escape, Multifights, and any combination of the above. It's inclusive of being able to flow through all of the above ranges and demands at any time.
I note that most disciplines don't teach students how to perform in these ranges in each grade/belt rank/whatever. Previously, when the training methods to actually functionally achieve these results weren't accessible widely...teachers had legit reasons for NOT programming these skills into their students. For quite some time now [ thanks to the burgeoning internet ] that claim is wholly invalid. I have a method that does exactly that, 15 rounds at a time.
Furthermore, I see the consequences of martial artists NOT being properly versed in the interlocking, complimentary skill sets of the martial disciplines...and it sucks a whole lot.[ Hey, I'm still improving in every area myself. ] Now what happens is something like this [ especially in disciplines like Kenpo ]:
A student goes to their Kenpo school. Gets taught stuff that may or may not be functional...but isn't well rounded. So let's just pretend that the more common version of the Sword and Hammer actually repels a right punch attack from the right flank. If he tackles you? You're screwed. If he punches with his left hand? You're screwed. If he attacks you anywhere but the right flank? You're screwed. If he knees or kicks you? You're screwed. If he pushes or pulls you? You're screwed.
Almost all of the attacks I listed above are answered elsewhere in the Kenpo curriculum... in more advanced ranks. None of which helps you while you're getting your butt kicked RIGHT NOW. The question is: HOW CAPABLE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW OF DEFENDING EACH AND EVERY MANIFESTATION OF THE MORE COMMON METHODS OF ATTACK?
The result is: you're being programmed with weaknesses that your instructor may or may not know about or know how to address; and our instructor may or may not address later. In the interim, your instructor is essentially hoping you don't get your head knocked off prior to you reaching the belt rank that will fill in the gaps of your knowledge.'re a Kenpo White Belt. Feelin pretty snazzy about your grab and pull into any and all of your basic strikes, your front snap kick, blocks, backfist, reverse punch and palm heel. You have a strong but fluid brace of Bow Stances. You've practiced using your techs to the cardinal directions. You're walking to your car after practice. Hobo Homecookin is chillin up against the driver side of your car. Rather than engage Hobo Homecookin in convo, you just walk around your car and attempt to enter your car from the passenger side. You keep an eye on Hobo Homecookin. Hobo Homecookin follows and accosts you for some change. You tell Hobo Homecookin that you have no money; you're wearing gi pants with no pockets. Hobo Homecookin says that he can hear the change janglin in your pocket. You tell Hobo Homecookin that he hears your keys not change because you don't have pockets...and you insert your keys into the passenger side car door to enter your vehicle. Hobo Homecookin tries to reach where he thinks your pockets are. You block his grasping hand with your snappy downward block. Hobo Homecookin yelps in surprise, then swings a haymaker right. You block again and reverse punch him in the gut. Hobo Homecookin doubles over and drops to the pavement.
Then Humongous Hobo Homecookin #2 tackles you to the ground from the back.
You're out of your element. You have zero ground fighting skills. Heavy hobo punches come down on you. And Hobo Homecookin #1 is rising from the ground and starts stomping you, all the while that EFF KARATE KIDS look shines bright in his eye...
...hold up. Let's rewind. See what happens if you have depth and versatility in your a WHITE BELT.
Let's just skip the gajillion things you coulda done to prevent having to clock Hobo Homecookin #1. For the purposes of this discussion? Scrappin with Hobo Homecookin #1 is inevitable. You took care of him purrty good too.
Matta fact? Let's up the threat level for Hobo Homecookin #1, shall we? Yes we shall.
Hobo Homecookin #1 breaks out a knife and threatens you with it as he reaches for your pocket. You execute a simultaneous outside block and low block...the Universal Block...cuz you practiced for this kind of thing with your blocking practice. You use your blocks like forearm shivers when appropriate, and you specifically practiced blocking the weapon arm of knife wielding BGs along with using your blocks to stop sticks and stuff. Your tech is fast confident and strong, surprising the crap out of Hobo Homecookin #1. You then front kick him in the gut. His knife goes flying one way...he goes flying the OTHER way.
You're feelin that adrenalin high when Humongous Hobo#2 slams into you from the back.
Most Kenpoists almost never train in multifights as a White Belt in their nonversatile school, so you never considered that you were leaving your back exposed to unfriendlies. Bang. Here comes Humongous Hobo #2 all with the blindside blitz like a broke Ray Lewis.
There are techs in Kenpo to deal with this situation...if you're lucky enough to have a functional instructor. Too bad for you that these techs start at Yellow...and you're a White Belt. You're toast.
Unless...taaadow! You spent time training with a versatile Coach like those ATACX GYM guys, and your Coach really knows how to train you. Now you're ready and... apply a double outside block to the big smelling arms encircling you in a arms inside bear hug attack. You immediately flash down with both hands,grab his wrists, and push them down and away. You don't release the hold, but you do manage to get a little wiggle room. You fire a short elbow back into Humongous Hobo #2's gut because you remember all those reps you did in your horse stance where your instructor not only told you about the "hidden elbows" of your deep horse stance with your fists at your sides, your instructor taught you how to use your body mass and Kenpo Body Whip movements to fire off repeated, devastating very close range elbows...even while being clinches. That's what you do. One hand fires a wicked elbow into HH#2's gut, and as part of the Body Whip movement of firing your elbow, your hand returns to grab HH#2's wrist with devastating speed. He gets hit...onetwothreefour the gut just like that. He's weakened now and you take that opportunity to double outside block his arms to get a little room...and in one motion grab both one of his arms with both of yours, step to your left and transition into a Left Nuetral Bow Stance.
Your teacher...being a functional versatile guy...taught you how to use your stances to effect trips and throws.
Over your leg Humongous Hobo #2 goes, as he gets thrown by the Kenpo version of Tai Otoshi. As he hits the ground, you immediately stomp and pin him by...using him as the platform for your Bow Stance while you pivot and face Hobo Homecookin #1. Hobo Homecookin #1 is seriously rethinking this here scrapfest seeing how fast you handled Humongous Hobo#2 and you see he's not loving the idea of messing with your Kenpo...
...when Humongous Hobo #1 snatches you up and slams you on the ground. Yes, life sucks at this moment.
Hobo Homecookin #1 takes heart now and scrambles to help his Humongous homeboy, who is now crouched over you in a high sloppy mount, trying to rain blows down on you [Which you block, as you were taught to do in class. You were taught to use your basic Kenpo blocks on the ground and off your back ] but before Hobo Homecookin #1 can enter the melee? You base down in your Nuetral Stance and shift immediately to your Right Bow Stance, tilting Humongous Hobo #1 to his left...and Humongous Homeboy #2 plants his left palm down to prevent himself from being bucked all the way off, and keeps firing with his right hand. Remembering your block/grab/pull/strike lessons and the hours you spent drilling that tech from off your back, you block Humongous Hobo #1's punch, grab his wrist, pull him and bridge him by shifting from your Right Nuetral Bow to your Left Nuetral Bow...while you crack his chin meat with a heel palm.
Exactly like you did while standing in class, and exactly like you were taught to do on the mat.
Bam! Humongous Hobo #2 is toast and on the parking lot pavement.
Hobo Homecookin #1 tries to flail stupid Bum Fight punches at you, but you front snap kick him in Kenpo's favorite target...the groin. He's toast curled up looking like a human comma on the ground next to his Humongous friend. He's grabbing The Family Jewels and moaning.
That's when Humongous Hobo #1 and Hobo Homecookin #2 come across the street. Humongous Hobo #1 isn't looking very aggressive, and Hobo Homecookin #2 is pissed at his friends.
"You dummies!" he yells. "That's a krotty school! Them guys AIN'T GOT pockets! When I said go panhandle, I meant that gas station next door to the krotty school! See? Now he krotty'd yer ***!'
"Yeah," Humongous Hobo #1 cosigns.
You're in your car driving away like...