Styles of Mr Hayes vs Mr Van Donk


Yellow Belt
I know that they had the same teacher of ninjutsu. I was wondering if someone could tell me how the styles of Mr Hayes and Mr Van Donk differ. Are the emphasis on different areas. I know that they both touch on the spiritual aspects as well, and it seems some teachers hardly deal with that at all.
Well, lets see... I can think of several ways they are similar, starting with their Video Training courses/blackbelt by mail programs.
Technopunk said:
Well, lets see... I can think of several ways they are similar, starting with their Video Training courses/blackbelt by mail programs.
That's funny.... I like that answer. RVD does, I don't believe SKH does but he was in Japan recently according to another post I read someplace. His new Bojutsu DvD's are out now...Run don't walk to your local store...:rolleyes:
stauburn said:
That's funny.... I like that answer. RVD does, I don't believe SKH does but he was in Japan recently according to another post I read someplace. His new Bojutsu DvD's are out now...Run don't walk to your local store...:rolleyes:
"im a mushroom cloud laying mutha*****...".I like that song
Senin said:
I know that they had the same teacher of ninjutsu. I was wondering if someone could tell me how the styles of Mr Hayes and Mr Van Donk differ. Are the emphasis on different areas. I know that they both touch on the spiritual aspects as well, and it seems some teachers hardly deal with that at all.
I think if you look hard enough at both you will decide that for yourself. Relying on other's opinions that don't actually train with these Shihan won't help you discover the truth.
Well, despite my general dislike for Senin's posting style, there's actually a chance that you'll get folks who have met both of them to reply.

I'll bet Dale has felt both of them move. But perhaps not recently.
I've personally seen van Donk in action and even sat beside him on the train from Ayase to Kashiwa ( let's say his..."lecture" after the godan tests last Daikomyosai didn't end in the Budokan:uhyeah: ), but I don't feel I've seen enough of him to comment on his abilities.

For what it's worth (personally, I'm skeptic), someone told me that Brin Morgan said that the people present at Daikomyosai who had used the home-study courses offered by van Donk actually moved quite well.
Nimravus said:
I've personally seen van Donk in action and even sat beside him on the train from Ayase to Kashiwa ( let's say his..."lecture" after the godan tests last Daikomyosai didn't end in the Budokan:uhyeah: ), but I don't feel I've seen enough of him to comment on his abilities.

For what it's worth (personally, I'm skeptic), someone told me that Brin Morgan said that the people present at Daikomyosai who had used the home-study courses offered by van Donk actually moved quite well.
I read somewhere that he requires you to video test all on one take with no editing. Maybe that has something to do with it.:idunno:
Senin said:
Thanks, Rutherford.

And personally, I don't particularly like your style either.

Did you actually offer an opinion? You might be alright after all. :asian:

I would expect that van Donk would move very differently, and I would be interested in speaking with him about how his sword arts have encouraged his taijutsu.

I've only seen his Postures video, but next month I might be training with two of his students who are now Shidoshi. I have intentions of going, at the least.
Senin said:
I know that they had the same teacher of ninjutsu. I was wondering if someone could tell me how the styles of Mr Hayes and Mr Van Donk differ. Are the emphasis on different areas. I know that they both touch on the spiritual aspects as well, and it seems some teachers hardly deal with that at all.

They are also similar in that they both outrank me by far and probably the majority on this forum with exception of a few. I hold both of them in high regard as Shihan of the Bujinkan.
JMD said:
I know that Mr. Van Donk is still training with Hatsumi sensei. Does anyone know if Mr. Hayes is also?


Anshu Hayes was in japan training for a month with hatsumi sensai last month or the one before i train at the ann arbor quest center and in michigan and he tought a seminar there then immediatly left for japan after that it was amazing geting to meet him very interesting individual many good insites and techniqes that were new to me whatever art you train in hes a interesting person to meet if you get the oportunity
windwarrior said:
Anshu Hayes was in japan training for a month with hatsumi sensai last month or the one before i train at the ann arbor quest center and in michigan and he tought a seminar there then immediatly left for japan after that it was amazing geting to meet him very interesting individual many good insites and techniqes that were new to me whatever art you train in hes a interesting person to meet if you get the oportunity
Please proof your posts. Run-on sentences and a complete lack of punctuation make posts such as this one very difficult to read.
windwarrior said:
Anshu Hayes was in japan training for a month with hatsumi sensai last month or the one before i train at the ann arbor quest center and in michigan and he tought a seminar there then immediatly left for japan after that it was amazing geting to meet him very interesting individual many good insites and techniqes that were new to me whatever art you train in hes a interesting person to meet if you get the oportunity

SKH might have indeed been in Japan for a month but he only trained for one session at Honbu.

and i'd check the recent thread in this section of the forum for his current status with regard to rank within the Bujinkan.

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