Dob Dob Warriors


Green Belt
Jan 12, 2005
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Ive doen several searches and have found some interesting info about the Tibetian fighting monks called Dob Dob warriors. A friend of mine told me of an article which Mr. Hayes wrote some time ago referring to the Dob Dob. These Warriors are fascinating and I am trying to leanr more. If anyone has any idea of wher eI can go to find more info please let me know. Also if by chance Mr. Hayes should happen to ge this, I would appreciate a reply from him as well.
Thanks in advance

The following excerpts were taken from "The Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library" which can be found at this web address:

"The status of dob dobs is ambiguous. On the one hand, they had a reputation for being pugnacious, partisan and for having more interests in worldly matters (like sports and boys) than in the religious life."

"And it is true that their fights were often about favourite boys, but what else can be expected in a community of only men and boys? That sort of behaviour was not looked on as exceptionally bad, and probably the people of Lhasa preferred that monks should keep to themselves and not worry their womenfolk."

The above statements were written by a man who was a Dob dob, and these statements coincide with what others have told me in conversation about this tradition.
I'd never heard of them! What did they do? Were they like Shaolin monks, or more like soldiers?