Cobra said:
I am not sure about this site, but other martial art forums (like martial arts planet) hates the Style vs. Style argument.
What is this sites stance on Style vs. style. Does the site members hate it?
If one was to appoarch it in a technical manner, such as :
Modern Arnis does have small joint manipulation, yet it's over all technical ground work is not on the same level say as Brazillian Ju-Jitsu or Collegiate wrestling. How would a Modern Arnis person then take these techniques and apply then to the ground work. This would mean practice and more practice in most cases. Also consider the use of the weapon at hand with your grappling????
Yet, you could say the same thing, how could the BJJ practitioner use his techniques with a weapon?
Yet, in my mind, the discussion of this art is better than that art because . . . (* Insert something that someone will find insulting. *)
It usually comes down to this.
It is not the art it is the practitioner and how much PRACTICE they put into their techniques.
So almost all of these discussions end this way, or they end in a flame war.
This is why many people including myself do not like these discussions. As they are usually from a limited point of view and are or real close to style bashing. They read like commercials for the style of the person defending a style.
So, would have to say that this member does not like them. Yet, I could see where it would be technically possible to have a discussion, yet I still claim that it comes down to this:
"It is not the art it is the practitioner and how much PRACTICE they put into their techniques."