We are ignoring (we always do this) that we do not know what we do not know. And anyone who is not proficient (at the minimum) in Style X is simply not qualified to state what its characteristics are, let alone criticize them.
A person could say "Style X" has no ground game, therefore it is deficient. It may be a matter of fact that Style X has no ground game. What is not known is whether or not Style X *should have* a ground game. That isn't something a person non-proficient in that exact style could say. It has become opinion. You could say Style X has no ground game. But continuing to say "therefore, Style X is deficient" is opinion. And if a person persists in insisting the deficiency exists, then in my opinion they are style bashing. Or, put another way, they are talking out of their nether orifice.
We have members here who measure all martial arts styles based on criteria that are important to them. Useful when one is evaluating systems for oneself. Perhaps less so when a given style isn't intended for what that person wants it to be.
"How good is it in the cage?" Not at all? Then it's garbage.
"How good is it in self-defense?" Not? Garbage.
"Can you win a tournament with it?" No? Garbage.
Do you understand that we measure things by our own frame of reference, and despite what we all think of our standards, they are opinions, and that's all they are.
"The sky is clear today" can be a factual statement. "Therefore it's a nice day." That's opinion. What if I'm a farmer hoping for rain?
I practice a style that is well-respected in general terms. I am a below-average practitioner, nonetheless I try my best and I enjoy it. I don't practice it for the octagon, or for self-defense, or for tournaments, or for anything really describable. I practice it because *I WANT TO* and that's all the reason I need. I believe I can use it to defend myself should I be called upon to do so. Will I have to? Not likely. Will I be able to beat a 'roid raging practitioner of Style X or Y or whatever who has ground game and high kicks and bulging pectoral muscles? No idea. Maybe not. WHO CARES? I'm in my 60s. I'm beyond all that kiddy garbage.
But still we get the usual accusation. If you can't use it in a cage match, it's no good.
Dude. If you want to get in the cage, do that. Leave me out. I'm fine doing what I do, as well as I can manage to do it.
We also continue to pit style against style as if there were not great, average, and lousy practitioners of each of them. Style A is far superior to Style X because this guy and that guy, blah blah blah. Except you can have a lousy Style A practitioner lose to a great Style X practitioner any day of the week. There's no objective standard to compare, but we insist on doing it. Gets a little old, to be honest.
But hey, "I'm just stating facts," so you can't take offense.