Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters

I guess these guys were not as strict then because there was def meat in there. They are the only Sikh temple around so I guess nobody checks up on them.

That's definitely possible. Its also possible that you encountered a group that was partaking in some regional festivities...some of which were celebrated by eating meat. Sikh organizations are largely voluntary. There is a governing body, but not the hierarchy that one might find in other faiths. Its more up to the communities to manage themselves. Our temple came in to assist the other temple with their matters because they asked.

I felt very welcome they where very nice it was just awkward because of why (the shooting) I was there. Its just sad for them they needed armed police there. We do it at the Jewish Synagogue as well some times when they get threats called in to them and its the same feeling they always go out of their way to welcome us its just sad we have to be there in the first place.

A student in my class today came in finishing a hot dog and complaining loudly that he wasn't supposed to eat meat on Fridays. To top it off, he was the only one of 5 students in class wearing a National Day of Silence shirt who was speaking...
A student in my class today came in finishing a hot dog and complaining loudly that he wasn't supposed to eat meat on Fridays. To top it off, he was the only one of 5 students in class wearing a National Day of Silence shirt who was speaking...

Maybe he was aiming for some dramatic irony?