As a student, what do you feel you owe your instructor? As an instructor, what do you feel you owe your students?
My own answer is based on the Student/Instructor Relationship, from both the student's and instructor's sides, originally from The Encyclopedia of TaeKwon-Do, by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, and condensed into various requirement books in more than one association I have either belonged to or had contact with.
From the student's side:
Note that these are complementary; both the student and the instructor have responsibilities toward the other. Do other people have different viewpoints?
My own answer is based on the Student/Instructor Relationship, from both the student's and instructor's sides, originally from The Encyclopedia of TaeKwon-Do, by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, and condensed into various requirement books in more than one association I have either belonged to or had contact with.
From the student's side:
From the instructor's side:10 Parts of the Student/Instructor Relationship:
1) Never tire of learning. A good student can learn anytime, anywhere.
2) A good student must be willing to sacrifice for his art and instructor.
3) Always set a good example for lower ranking students.
4) Always be loyal to your instructor.
5) If your instructor teaches you a technique, practice and attempt to utilize it.
6) Remember that a students conduct outside the dojang reflects on his instructor and school.
7) If a student adopts a technique from another gym and his instructor disapproves of it, the student must discard the technique.
8) Never be disrespectful to your instructor. Though a student is allowed to disagree, the student must follow instructions first and discuss the matter later.
9) A student must always be eager to ask questions and to learn.
10) Never betray your instructors trust.
1) Never tire of teaching. A good instructor can teach anywhere, anytime, and is always ready to answer questions.
2) An instructor should be eager for his students to surpass him; it is the ultimate compliment for an instructor. A student should never be held back. If the instructor realizes his student has developed beyond his teaching capabilities, the student should be sent to a higher ranking instructor.
3) An instructor must always set a good example for his students and never attempt to defraud them.
4) The development of students should take precedence over commercialism. Once an instructor becomes concerned with materialism, he will lose the respect of his students.
5) Instructors should teach scientifically and theoretically to save time and energy.
6) Instructors should help students develop good contacts outside the club. It is an instructors responsibility to develop students outside as well as inside the training hall.
7) Students should be encouraged to visit other training halls and study other techniques. Students who are forbidden to visit other clubs are likely to become rebellious. There are two advantages for allowing students to visit other gyms; not only is there the possibility that a student may observe a technique that is ideally suited for him, but be may also have a chance to learn by comparing his techniques to inferior techniques.
8) All students should be treated equally, there should be no favorites. Students should always be scolded in private, never in front of the class.
9) If the instructor is not able to answer a students question, he should not fabricate an answer, but admit he does not know and attempt to find the answer as soon as possible. Too often a lower degree black belt dispenses illogical answers to his students merely because he is afraid of "losing face" because he does not know the answer. Always be honest with students.
10) Never betray a trust.
Note that these are complementary; both the student and the instructor have responsibilities toward the other. Do other people have different viewpoints?