Sparring with Instructor

My very first sparring match as a white belt was against a second Dan that is my age but about 75 pounds heavier (I'm 150 soaking wet). He kept telling me to not come straight in but to turn side up. After he told me this three times, rather than showing me gently why not to do this, he threw a full power cut-kick and I literally was airborn. I landed HARD and couldn't breath for a few seconds. I was like WHOA - this sparring thing sucks. It wasn't until the next time I sparred that I realized the guy was out of line. I never even got a kick in...

That was quite crude of him. He could have just knocked a bit of wind out of you or gave you a mouse on the eye (as I was once done when I got to close and the instuctor flipped a roundhouse up and stunned me a bit.)

I don't belive in striking students hard unless their attitude is so bad I should really just ask them to leave.


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