Student falls asleep behind president

It happens, even if the person speaking is entertaining and the subject matter is riveting. I dozed off during Marksmanship Training in boot camp despite the threat of calisthenics at the hands of a very angry drill instructor. It was after lunch and the sun was warm and zzzzz....
A teacher of mine in college once fell asleep in his own class.

He used to say that you don't need more than 5 hours sleep per night. He was sitting on hit desk, reading something from his sheets, the reading became mumbling, his head dropped and suddenly there was silence... after which all students silently left :)
It happens, even if the person speaking is entertaining and the subject matter is riveting. I dozed off during Marksmanship Training in boot camp despite the threat of calisthenics at the hands of a very angry drill instructor. It was after lunch and the sun was warm and zzzzz....

Same here. I had to spend the rest of the session at the front of the class with my arms straight out in front of me with my M-16 laying across the tops of my wrists. Never has ~8 lbs weighed so much!
My dad was a combat infantryman in WWII. He said it wasn`t unusual to have guys fall asleep while marching. The column would be marching down the road and when they turned, you might have one or two guys keep right on walking straight ahead and fall in a ditch.

My dad was a combat infantryman in WWII. He said it wasn`t unusual to have guys fall asleep while marching.

Did it!! One weekend, damn near 50 hours with no sleep, marching down a dark country road, full pack, rifle, 3:00am, woke up and i was walking in the ditch beside the road, realized by the landmarks that I must have been outta it for a good five minutes. Funny thing is no one said anything to me.....
My dad was a combat infantryman in WWII. He said it wasn`t unusual to have guys fall asleep while marching. The column would be marching down the road and when they turned, you might have one or two guys keep right on walking straight ahead and fall in a ditch.

When I drove truck over the raod. Many times I'd "zone out". Sleeping with my eyes open. Fortunately, I usually ended my "drive" safely, not ending up in the proverbial ditch.
Heh, gotta hate them all-nighters. Incidentally, how is this really newsworthy?

Wood TV 8 is the kalamazoo tv station, so to them it was news.

I understand getting bored etc. I just thought it was funny when his head was down and everyone would start clapping his head would pop back up and he'd start clapping too and then fall right back asleep.

I'm sure he wasn't the only one who fell asleep either, just the only one on camera.