obama thanks college kids...cuts pell grants...


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During the recent campaign, President Obama claimed credit for increasing funding to the Pell Grant program, which provides college funds, free from repayment, to millions of students. However, an email sent out Tuesday to some Dallas college students is revealing a detail the President forgot to mention: the time a student can receive a Pell Grant has been cut, by as much as three years. With Pell Grants for the fall semester now dispersed, colleges are informing students of their options, bringing the cuts to light.
The email, sent out by the Dallas County Community College District, informed students of the changes to the Pell Grant program. It revealed that the number of semesters a student could receive a Pell Grant had been cut from 18 semesters down to 12. It is a detail likely unknown to most students; in fact, the cut in grants has gone largely unreported by the media.
The email states that the cut in eligibility was part of an education bill President Obama signed into law in 2011. "On December 23, 2011, President Obama signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Public Law 112-74). This new federal law states that the amount of Federal Pell Grant funds a student may receive over his or her LIFETIME will be reduced to the duration of a student's eligibility from 18 semesters (or its equivalent) to 12 semesters (or its equivalent). This new law applies to ALL Federal Pell Grant eligible students effective with the 2012-2013 award year beginning July 1, 2012. (DCL-GEN-12-01)"
The cut in grant eligibility has serious ramifications for non-traditional students. Part-time students who do not receive a full semester grant may lose out on funds if they do not earn an undergraduate degree within 12 semesters. Adults who go back to school, including retraining for a new career, will also have limited access to grants.

Who won the "youth," vote again...suckers!!!!!:lfao::lfao:

Thanks again to the government media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS...) for objectively reporting this little factoid before the election...not!!!:lfao::lfao:

This cut in eligibility was never mentioned by President Obama during the campaign, and when he boasted about increasing funding to the Pell Grant program, CNN fact-checked his claim as true. While the amount of government funding to the program is going up in future years, CNN failed miserably by not pointing out the cuts in eligibility to students. The cuts could be a rude awakening to students who thought President Obama was expanding their educational opportunities.
The Examiner is not a news source. And the author spelled "disbursed" incorrectly. Therefore, I suspect the article. I'd prefer to see some facts from a real news agency.


Who won the "youth," vote again...suckers!!!!!:lfao::lfao:

Thanks again to the government media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS...) for objectively reporting this little factoid before the election...not!!!:lfao::lfao:

The Examiner is not a news source. And the author spelled "disbursed" incorrectly. Therefore, I suspect the article. I'd prefer to see some facts from a real news agency.

Even if it was found to be true. With the Republican party demanding big cuts. Why would a Republican "complain" about the president making cuts?

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If this is true, I'm just laughing at the gullible young people who keep voting against their own future, expecting a committed leftist to actually care about them.
...unlike the warm-and-cuddly GOP.

Surely Obama is more pro-education than the opposition. For actually protecting the future of the young, you need someone who will reign in spending and make us (taxpayers now) pay for the wars that are currently having the bills passed down to them. Ron Paul got the attention of some youth in this way--taking responsibility for our own bills, now.
Eliminate student loans and government grants entirely. Colleges will have no choice but to lower tuition costs in order to stay open. Of course that will mean facilities are cut back, college instructors will end up making $12 and hour and your degree might take a little longer as some courses aren't offered as often but if they are serious about making it affordable it's not too much to ask.
Yeah, obama is pro-education...that's why he cut the scholarship program in the D.C. schools for kids who couldn't afford to go to the school where his daughters went. That is also why he and the democrats fight school vouchers tooth and nail, to protect the unions over the kids.


And crashing the student loan system the way they crashed the mortgage system isn't going to help either...


Nearly all student loans—93% of them last year—are made directly by the government, which asks little or nothing about borrowers’ ability to repay, or about what sort of education they intend to pursue. …
Student lending grew rapidly in the 2000s, as did other consumer borrowing. The bulk of the loans were made by private lenders and guaranteed by the federal government. In 2010, in a money-saving effort pushed by Mr. Obama, Congress cut out the private middlemen and had the federal government start making loans directly.
Since the end of 2007, just before the financial crisis hit, total student debt has grown by more than 56%, adjusted for inflation, the new Fed data show. During that time, overall household debt—including mortgages, student loans, auto loans and credit cards—fell by 18%, to $11.31 trillion as of Sept. 30.
Is this ringing any bells for anyone else? Housing market; government taking over for the private sector; easy access to credit; bubbles going “pop!”? Jim Pethokoukis wondered yesterday if student-loan debt isn’t destined to fall victim to our burgeoning bailout culture (because we’ve got plenty of money to burn and everything), and has more of the startling numbers:
Banks already got their bailout, so is it time for loan-laden college grads to get theirs? Consider the following:
1. Student debt has climbed by 74% since the start of the Great Recession, according to a new report from Citigroup, and now approaches $1 trillion.
2. As of the third quarter of this year, roughly 11% of student loans were seriously delinquent, surpassing credit cards for the first time.
3. Default rates are also rising with 9.1% of student borrowers defaulting within their first two years of repayment.
4. Higher default rates mean lower credit scores for Generation Y than other age groups, hurting its ability to buy a first new car or starter home. Rutgers University find that 28% of recent graduates say they have moved back in with their parents to save money, and 40% have delayed a major purchase such as a house or car due to their educational debt.

But, the good thing is, the democrats get the credit for giving out tons of student loan money, buying the last election, and then when it crashes, they get to blame the republicans and then they get to bail out these college kids, thereby buying their votes in the next election.

As Rahm Emanuel said, never let a crises go to waste. What he doesn't say is, always create the crises so you can use it, not waste it...
Eliminate student loans and government grants entirely. Colleges will have no choice but to lower tuition costs in order to stay open.

Unequivocally, student loans are inflationary. There are also increasing costs associated with increasing regulatory measures (e.g., Title IX compliance can be fairly expensive, depending on how a school chooses to address it). But most of it is an expectations game--exemplified by my son, who chose to go to the college with the #1-rated dorms in the nation. It's an arms race--to attract students you need nicer dorms, better food, bigger gyms, etc. We see it constantly. Purdue is now building a dorm that will virtually be a 5-star hotel. Then they have to charge more to pay for it.

Of course that will mean facilities are cut back, college instructors will end up making $12 and hour and your degree might take a little longer as some courses aren't offered as often but if they are serious about making it affordable it's not too much to ask.

A lot of research comes out of universities--for example, Google--and it's in the country's best interests to continue that. But, there's more than one way to do that.
Eliminate student loans and government grants entirely. Colleges will have no choice but to lower tuition costs in order to stay open. Of course that will mean facilities are cut back, college instructors will end up making $12 and hour and your degree might take a little longer as some courses aren't offered as often but if they are serious about making it affordable it's not too much to ask.

As an adjunct professor, according to the credit-to-hour equivalency charts, my wife is already making about $12 an hour.
As an adjunct professor, according to the credit-to-hour equivalency charts, my wife is already making about $12 an hour.

Adjuncts are not treated well, as a rule--but, it's a clear case of supply and demand. More qualified people want to be full-time academics than can be accommodated by the types of colleges they want to teach at (not-for-profit baccalaureate and higher). It drives the pay down.
Adjuncts are not treated well, as a rule--but, it's a clear case of supply and demand. More qualified people want to be full-time academics than can be accommodated by the types of colleges they want to teach at (not-for-profit baccalaureate and higher). It drives the pay down.

She doesn't even want to BE a college professor. Her certifications are geared towards middle school. However, no-benefit part time work for colleges are the only teaching jobs available when Republicans have their fingers on the state funding system.