strike power

  • Thread starter Thread starter red_herring
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I got alot of nice ideas for my last question about getting more flexibility for my kicks I would like to say thank you for all thouse nice ideas.My kicking has got better only with the last week.Because I got so many good ideas about flexibility I would like to get some advice about strike power.How could I improve my kicking power and knee strike power?I do the usual stuff(3x2min rounds against a heawy bag, push up's, and technical stuff with pads)I want to know more about punching power too, because I want to give advice to a friend of mine he has some body weight, but not much strength.As much as I know from my own experience then alot strength isnt needed to have a strong puch.I had no idea what to advice him, because he does not have the time to go to a boxing gym because he has not so much free time since he is a student and he has a job.He can train around 2hours per day(at home)So he cant work out with machines or any martial arts gear(boxing cloves, pads, bag).Isnt there any possibility for him to make his pucnhing ability stronger?I planed to get him a job as a pouncer for he can have more free time and he will get more money , but i would feel better when he would be able to defend himself.So I hope you can give me any ideas how to help him to get some punching power(he basically knows how to perform a punch, but it just has no power)So the problem is how could he train punching power with out any equipment on his own.Would shadow boxing be good?

Anyway thanks in forward

How could I improve my kicking power and knee strike power?

One way would be to make sure that you're putting your hips into the kicks and knee strikes. I'm not saying that you won't get power from a snapping kick, but the hips contain the power. If you watch a Thai fighter throw kicks and knees, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Isnt there any possibility for him to make his pucnhing ability stronger?

Absolutely!! As with the kicks, making sure that you have proper body mechanics will aid in the punching department.

red_herring said:
So the problem is how could he train punching power with out any equipment on his own.Would shadow boxing be good?

Anyway thanks in forward

First and foremost is proper mechanics and technique. They are different btw. Mechanics are the basic coordination, balance and muscle quality that can let you control the motion well. 'technique' is how mechanically sound your execution will be based on your mechanics AND your understanding and 'internalization' (muscle memory and confidence) of a technique.

An example of sound mechanics is to drive linear (jabs/crosses/front kicks/side kicks...) from a starting point in line with your centerline. Sounds simple but watch a beginner: arms all over, knees way out to the side... and so on. That fundamental/mechanical basic crosses over techniques.

Now, apply that mechanical basic to a front kick and when you life your knee up, it stays in line with your belly button. It drives straight out from that body reference and returns back to it. If you don't have sound mechanical control, you wobble, your power is dispersed instead of focused AND you are really at risk of injury if you try to strike hard with that bad control. It's bad enough that 'they' are trying to hurt you, don't help them out because of poor applications:).

Breathing is another mechanical basic. General rule of thumb: Exhale on the exertion/power delivery (whether punch/kick/hardblock....).

Suggest to your friend that he should steal a page from Tai Ji and do 1 or 2 techniques in slow motion focusing on developing sound mechanical and technical control and breath timing while visualizing a successful and powerful strike.

So, yes, power can be partially developed with technical focused training without equiptment. It is essential when you are first learning a technique to do it without any resistance or stress in order to avoid ingraining bad habits.
For punching and kicking power developement nothing beats a good heavy bag. For punching add some 13oz or heavier bag gloves with hand wraps (of course) and go for speed. Use interval training, with say 15-30 sec intervals in a 2 minute round and work up into longer rounds and intervals. Do this with kicks also.

knees well IMO you need Thai pads and a partner to hold them.

Like all things no easy work work..
I dont know a whole lot about power kicking, but to get the best power out of a punch it is best to work on rotational forces and centering these forces straight ahead. Make sure you hit with your entire mass. The more centered it is the more of your mass you have behind the punch. Also aiming about two inches deep into a target will help with power. I have heard to aim for the very back of a target but i find this brings you closer to the target and you get more of a pushing effect and you end up not hitting on your maximum power curve.
Hi ya Red,

You've gotten a lot of good thoughts and ideas from everyone so far. You may want to go over to they have some material over there that will help your punching strength and speed as well too.

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