pro fighters(??)

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Last night me and two guys from my work watched K1.It was the turnament were mighty mo won.The first thing what I saw and what surprised me was that most of the guys there have no idea how to kick.I have some problems with kicking, but I know the basics like keeping the hands up when i kick, but most of the guys did not do it.Even with low kicks their guard went down.That was also the reason why mighty mo could knock two guys down.Im wondering why are thouse fighters who fight in K1 called the best?They seem not to be the best at all.The two guys who watched the show with me are martial artists, one of them has done boxing for the most of his life and he reacently started crosstraining.He said its a big surprise for him that the fighters make mistakes in the basics.My point is how do you think about the K1 fighters?Are they really high rank?I have seen K1 for couple of times and I have seen alot of strange things(and im not speaking about bob sapp and the other "entertainers")So far I can tell that i have seen 4 or 5 guys in the heawy weight section who are really good(they would be Mirco Cro Cop, Alexey Ignashof, Jerome Lebanner, Mark Hunt and maybe one thai guy im not sure if he is in heawy weight)I checked the K1 official web site and thouse guys have a very high KO rate too.What do you think about it?And would it possible for me to enter K1?
My idea about K1 so far is that the heawy weight section is more entertainment then real fighting.(please correct me if im wrong)
Looking forward to hear about your ideas on it


ps.Please ignore the splelling mistakes.
Something you will realise as you progress into the arts (you may have realised already, as a matter of fact) is that there is a great deal of difference between full contact fighting like K1 and point sparring. Having said that, people who make basic mistakes usually dont get too far.

If you want something more entertaining, watch the UFC.
Big difference like the guy before me said. These guys are fighting in a tournament. You dont know how many previous fights they had before the one you saw. They are tired sore and plain beat up.

Also their is a difference between boxing and Full Contact you dont do the same things such as bend over at the waist if you do you'll get KO'd by a knee or foot to the head.

Whole different world.

Some guys who were champion point Fights became catchers in Full Contact
others who never one a point match became champions...
different world guy
Hi Red Herring. Obviously K1 fighters have trained hard to be where they are at. At that level forgetting the basics can cost you the victory ie. dropping your guard and getting a cross right on the kisser causing a knockout. I remember seeing a fight between Ernesto Hoost and Bob Sapp very entertaining. The power that Bob Sapp was using was amazing. He was actually punching right through Hoost's guard landing powerful blows. Hoost did not quit though and landed some powerful roundkicks to Sapp's lead leg. In the end Sapp won the fight but could not continue because of an injury. Hoost went on to defeat LeBanner for the championship.

I think that what may be happening is when some of the fighters enter the ring they may get overwhelmed of the situation ie. lights, crowds, the opponent. This may cause them to lose focus on the task at hand. It definately is a different world whem you step into the ring. I do have respect for these fighters none the less because it takes alot of hard work to prepare for a fight and to get where they are at.

If your thinking of entering K-1 competition I would suggest starting out at amatuer competitions where you can hone your talents and see if it is something you truely want to pursue. I doubt that K-1 will take anybody off the street to fight in the competition. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck.

this is what I was taught ( by someone who does it).
When someone throws a low or mid kick, they are not moving their upper body out of the way, such as when someone throws a high kick, but this does not mean they are in harm's way. when a low kick (or mid kick) is thrown, your shoulder pivots. unless you shoulder is past the intended target, you are not exposed, even if you hands are down. if you kick and and your shoulder pivots too far, your head and back (and side) become exposed for kicks and punches. for this reason, it looks like their guard is down, but they are relatively protected as long a their shoulder is there.

make sense?

also, K-1 fighters are usually the top strikers in the world. Pride FC sometimes has fighters that are just big, or famous, and not necessarily good fighters. but K-1, always good.
Like I say, watch the UFC. You'll see some outrageously quick fights, sometimes over in the time it takes the two fighters to meet in the middle of the ring.
I seem to recall a 10 second K1 match. The fighters came out to the middle of the ring, one guy through a left/right, the other fighter got KO'd. I think it was one of the Vegas prelims about 4 years ago or so. Whoops.
Well, I think its not so hard to keep hands up.Thouse guys were doing it like some new guys in the gym were i go.They are not so flexible and they have not so much tehnique.They lift their leg up useing the momentum and the hands go down to keep more boost for the kick.The head is compleatly open.The KO punches were very big swings and not fast.

I was told never to swing my hand back.To punch out of the shoulder useing the body rotation(Im sorry I can't explain well, but Im sure you know what I mean)When punching then keep the head betwean the shoulders and so on...I some of the fighters are very good and tehnical, but most of them are trained men who have alot of power, but have no tehnique.

Of course to fight in a ring a different thing when doing sparring and Im not able to tell as long as I havent experienced ring fighting.Soon I will have a fight night were I can do fighting and see how i do.

One thing to remember here is that the average point sparring match is alot shorter than your K1, MMA, and boxing matches. Heavier gloves and the fact that taking kicks to the arms will also wear the fighter down are all things to keep in mind.

it is alot diffrent fighting with boxing gloves on as well. It is alot easier to pick off a punch with the gloves. K-1 guys are good and tough as hell.

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