Strategy And Change


Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
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Master Tom Bisio has a new book out. I appreciate not only his teachings but his writings very much. I am posting this up for those who want to look into it.

Strategy and Change: An Examination of Military Strategy,
the I-Ching & Ba Gua Zhang
by Tom Bisio

STRATEGY & CHANGE is a meditation on the application of strategy to all facets of human interaction. Of equal interest to the business person, military theorist, martial artist or anyone negotiating the uncertainties of the changing world.

How do you achieve success and prevail in a chaotic world? Chinese strategists have grappled with this fundamental question for centuries. Chinese thought advocates understanding the natural order of the world in order to harmonize and flow with it. One of the key ideas that permeates both The Art of War and the I Ching is that success is achieved by blending with and adapting to the constant change manifesting around us. By aligning oneself with the changing circumstances, opportunity and success unfold naturally.

STRATEGY & CHANGE includes discussions of:
The Eight Intentions/Dispositions - a unique, flexible and organic system of strategic thinking used for centuries.
I Ching theory and its relevance to Ba Gua Zhang as a martial art.
An analysis of The 36 Stratagems, a Chinese primer of strategy.
Examples of successful strategies from history's great commanders including Alexander, Napoleon, Shaka Zulu, Hannibal, Belisarius, Sun Tzu and Mao Tze Tung.
Advice from the renowned Chinese strategist Zhuge Liang, whose insights into strategy and leadership are widely studied by Asian businessmen today.

Available from, Barnes & Noble,, and Outskirts Press.
I got my copy in the mail last night. Looks like a lot of careful thought and insight went into this one. I'm looking forward to reading it tonight. The commentaries about the I Ching trigrams and hexagrams look especially interesting.


Following is a short review that I posted on

Tom Bisio has managed to weave together modern warfare theory, the OODA loop, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's "Black Swan" and much, much, more in an insightful book that is worth several re-reads. Recommended for West Point instructors, hedge-fund managers, business owners, martial artists, parents of teenage children, and anyone one else interested in the idea that the only thing stable in life is change. Ba Gua Zhang practitioners should take a look at Tom's other books with Gao Ji Wu for some further discussions about the relationship between the I Ching and the energetics of Ba Gua movement.

