steven seagal

Question: I had also heard that his ex-Japanese wife and he had a child, which he also ignores, is this true?

Also I heard he is a Shinto priest!?!?

As for his acting, he canÂ’t.
As for his personality, not good.
As for his Aikido, I do not practice it, but it looks very good.
I like Seagal Sensei alot.
I think most people who don't like him or bad mouth him are usually just extremely jealous.
Don't believe all the nonsense you hear out of Extreme Liberal Hollywood.
I would agree about the personal stuff. As a martial artist he is legitimate, no argument there.
I think these Seagal conversations are a right laugh.

Were Steven Seagal not an actor or public figure; were he a mere mortal school owner or senior instructor, his credentials would not be such a bugaboo. What does it matter? Seagal is not representing anyone as a senator or member of parliament, he's not flying our jet airliner nor is he performing invasive surgery on us. He is not in a position where credentials should constitute such a major concern, any more than should Hugh Grant's political ideologies be spread out for ridicule when he plays the Prime Minister.

Or maybe we are all just really bored with our Aikido :(

I have no respect for anyone as a person who may care to abuse their partner. Beyond that, I don't understand what all the cattiness is about. Except, that is, to agree with Mr Rooster above in believing the root cause to be jealousy - which of course no one ever admits to :) Well, fwiw, I WILL. I will say I'm jealous of what Steven Seagal can do both on the mats for real and on the screen for undoubtedly bringing so many to the art. How many of us can claim to have done that? What great ambassadors for the art we all are, whinging and bickering about who's got the biggest scroll over the dojo door. We do Aikido proud. No doubt, huh.

Stop badgering and go and do your own Aikido. Oooh, I sound all shouty, ha! Sorry. Feel free to just yak away :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
I think these Seagal conversations are a right laugh.

Were Steven Seagal not an actor or public figure; were he a mere mortal school owner or senior instructor, his credentials would not be such a bugaboo. What does it matter? Seagal is not representing anyone as a senator or member of parliament, he's not flying our jet airliner nor is he performing invasive surgery on us. He is not in a position where credentials should constitute such a major concern, any more than should Hugh Grant's political ideologies be spread out for ridicule when he plays the Prime Minister.

Or maybe we are all just really bored with our Aikido :(

I have no respect for anyone as a person who may care to abuse their partner. Beyond that, I don't understand what all the cattiness is about. Except, that is, to agree with Mr Rooster above in believing the root cause to be jealousy - which of course no one ever admits to :) Well, fwiw, I WILL. I will say I'm jealous of what Steven Seagal can do both on the mats for real and on the screen for undoubtedly bringing so many to the art. How many of us can claim to have done that? What great ambassadors for the art we all are, whinging and bickering about who's got the biggest scroll over the dojo door. We do Aikido proud. No doubt, huh.

Stop badgering and go and do your own Aikido. Oooh, I sound all shouty, ha! Sorry. Feel free to just yak away :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Well said. Give 'em hell Jenna. :)

I met Steven Seagal many years ago. He had a studio in North Hollywood.
Mr. Seagal demonstrations were not strictly aikido but the man was very impressive. He is tall and long waisted. He legs are fairly short for his body proportion giving him and low center of gravity for a big man.

He was fast and his partner being very gymnastical made his demos very impressive indeed. Now obviously the average opponent doesn't do flips when leverage is applied, but would, rather, crash and burn.

So that being said, Steven was and is very talented and a fan or some and not of other in terms of his acting and movies. He is in the end, well-known, successful and knowledgable.

Teaching is in my opinion a thankless business, I think it is important to give credit where it is due.

Master Paul Borisoff
PBMaster said:

I met Steven Seagal many years ago. He had a studio in North Hollywood.
Mr. Seagal demonstrations were not strictly aikido but the man was very impressive. He is tall and long waisted. He legs are fairly short for his body proportion giving him and low center of gravity for a big man.

He was fast and his partner being very gymnastical made his demos very impressive indeed. Now obviously the average opponent doesn't do flips when leverage is applied, but would, rather, crash and burn.

So that being said, Steven was and is very talented and a fan or some and not of other in terms of his acting and movies. He is in the end, well-known, successful and knowledgable.

Teaching is in my opinion a thankless business, I think it is important to give credit where it is due.

Master Paul Borisoff

That's great information. Agreed. I am sure that he is a proficient martial artist and I think his credentials are fairly solid. The controversy, if you want to call it that, IMO, was sparked by two things. One, professional jealously by those less successful or well known, two, by Mr. Segal's alleged personal failings. For myself, I bet I'd learn a lot from a few hours on the mat with him.

BTW, a lot of the trash against him is, IMO, internet hearsay. True, he probably is not the easiest person to get along with, but some of the stuff I've read has no documentation behind it.
Jonathan Randall said:
BTW, a lot of the trash against him is, IMO, internet hearsay. True, he probably is not the easiest person to get along with, but some of the stuff I've read has no documentation behind it.
Hey Jonathan Randall :)

I certainly agree with your objectivity on the issue. None of us are without our faults, though at times our successes and piety can erase that fact from before our eyes. Morehei Ueshiba was, by all FIRST-HAND accounts, that have been relayed to me through my senior senseis, not an easy man to get on with. He was curt, sometimes tactless, demanded a very high standard of his students and did not always suffer fools gladly.

All I am saying is that people are not always as they are portrayed. Those who proffer such portrayals as you say, often have ulterior motivation. And furthermore, folk believe what they want to believe regardless. Whether we think highly or not of a practitioner, our views are often tempered by our ego and not by any first hand emotion or contact, which in all likelihood is not available to us.

A good post, I just wanted to add some sprinkles to the top :) I hope you don't mind. I like your openness :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Mr.Rooster said:
I like Seagal Sensei alot.
I think most people who don't like him or bad mouth him are usually just extremely jealous.
Don't believe all the nonsense you hear out of Extreme Liberal Hollywood.

my sensei said, we're all Aiki arts practitioners, and we shouldn't mock steven seagal because he is also a fellow practitioner. If one chain is weak, all is weak.

My sensei often said that he consider Mr. seagal an actor who happened to be an aikido teacher. the emphasis is in "actor". So, all those hollywood gossips is about him as an actor. Have no influence in Aikido whatsoever.

On the other hand, considering the fact that impressionable young men flocked to aikido dojos wishing to be the next Mr. Seagal, I think it would be very nice if Mr. Seagal say something on his interview like "what I do in my movies is movie-do, not aikido. If you want to be like me, go to hollywood. If you want to do aikido, join a dojo". That will be a good thing to avoid disappoinment :)
Seagal Sensei has indeed said things like that in interviews over the years. You can probably find some on the net if you look enough.
PBMaster said:

I met Steven Seagal many years ago. He had a studio in North Hollywood.
Mr. Seagal demonstrations were not strictly aikido but the man was very impressive. He is tall and long waisted. He legs are fairly short for his body proportion giving him and low center of gravity for a big man.

He was fast and his partner being very gymnastical made his demos very impressive indeed. Now obviously the average opponent doesn't do flips when leverage is applied, but would, rather, crash and burn.

So that being said, Steven was and is very talented and a fan or some and not of other in terms of his acting and movies. He is in the end, well-known, successful and knowledgable.

Teaching is in my opinion a thankless business, I think it is important to give credit where it is due.

Master Paul Borisoff

Great info. Thanks! And very well said. :)
Jenna said:
Morehei Ueshiba was, by all FIRST-HAND accounts, that have been relayed to me through my senior senseis, not an easy man to get on with. He was curt, sometimes tactless, demanded a very high standard of his students and did not always suffer fools gladly.
A side note I know, but I just couldn't help notice your comment. The local head of my own style also said this of Ueshiba when he trained out in Hombu in the 50s when Ueshiba was still about. Told me O'Sensei didn't actually do much teaching at all as we know it nowadays [careful one-on-ones, slowed down and walked-through techniques etc.] but rather had more of an attitude of here's how it is, now you go and do it. But I believe that stems much more from the traditional way the JMA were taught right up until we in the west got a hold of them and turned them soft.

I don't want to sound derisive but you make a valid point - we think of folk what we like whether or not that's how they are in reality. Well said!

MartialIntent said:
A side note I know, but I just couldn't help notice your comment. The local head of my own style also said this of Ueshiba when he trained out in Hombu in the 50s when Ueshiba was still about.

I think, to get a taste of what Uyeshiba actually taught to the old-guard students (Mochizuki, Tomiki etc) we should see the KATA's they left behind, such as the Koryu Goshin no Kata of Tomiki Aikido and the KATAs in the Yoseikan system. It's more like Jujutsu than today's Aikikai Aikido. Read BUDO RENSHU by Uyeshiba sensei and see what I mean.
I am not fond of his character at all. In that respect I would say he is no account. However, I do believe his ranking into 6th dan. Aikido got a lot of free publicity from his movies.

I am not sure if he still actively teaches. From what I understand he still promotes though. There is an Aikido school in St. Louis, the instructor is Elliott Freeman, he told me once that he and his class go to Cali once a year. Stay with him and do their testing.

If you guys want or care, here is the website for the St. Louis school.
I would say Seagal Sensei is a stud and any dislike of his character, unless you know him personally, has been tarnished by the very jealous media. Seagal Sensei did not get to 7th Dan and maintain the status in Aikido being a dirtbag as the media would prefer you to believe.
When one uses women for personal gain, then that person is a dirtbag in my opinion. That is his character, not mine. That does not take away from his Aikido abilities at all, that just means he has used women in the past for personal gain.
How did Seagal Sensei use women for personal gain?
There have been women in Seagal's past that bad mouth him, most are probably jealous in some manner, trying to get something for nothing or perhaps even have mental hygiene issues.
Well let me see, I do believe that he was married to a Japanese woman and left her. Oh by the way her dad was an Aikido Grandmaster and she was a master. He supposedly told them he was going to open up a dojo in the states and send for her. That did not happen. Gee, he trained under her and her dad, he got rank from them and earned their trust right?

Oh, let us not forget Kelly LeBrock, she was a model and more of a well known actor. If I am not mistaken didn't he beat her? Do you not think that the ulterior motive of marrying her to be more in the limelight could have been there. Just the fact that he knocked her around does not give him a gold star in my book anyway.
That's all a bunch of liberal hogwash. Where's the fact's? Those are famous Hollywood rumors and let's not forget, the majority of folks in Hollywood that speak of Seagal are extremely jealous of him and his instant success in their industry that many of them went to school for and still are lousy.
Show me some facts, not Hollywood gossip.
Also, in regards to his wives, yes he has had many in my opinion, but I know I wasn't in the sack with or either fo wives, nor have I lived with them so unless someone was there that was a neutral party, I'd be extremely skeptical all of that nonsense.
People should boycott Enquirer and People magazine types of literature as they love to print half truth's and in their copies, and thats if your lucky to get the half.

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