I think these Seagal conversations are a right laugh.
Were Steven Seagal not an actor or public figure; were he a mere mortal school owner or senior instructor, his credentials would not be such a bugaboo. What does it matter? Seagal is not representing anyone as a senator or member of parliament, he's not flying our jet airliner nor is he performing invasive surgery on us. He is not in a position where credentials should constitute such a major concern, any more than should Hugh Grant's political ideologies be spread out for ridicule when he plays the Prime Minister.
Or maybe we are all just really bored with our Aikido
I have no respect for anyone as a person who may care to abuse their partner. Beyond that, I don't understand what all the cattiness is about. Except, that is, to agree with Mr Rooster above in believing the root cause to be jealousy - which of course no one ever admits to
Well, fwiw, I WILL. I will say I'm jealous of what Steven Seagal can do both on the mats for real and on the screen for undoubtedly bringing so many to the art. How many of us can claim to have done that? What great ambassadors for the art we all are, whinging and bickering about who's got the biggest scroll over the dojo door. We do Aikido proud. No doubt, huh.
Stop badgering and go and do your own Aikido. Oooh, I sound all shouty, ha! Sorry. Feel free to just yak away
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,