So basically the game plan of the aikidoist is to dodge until is oponent executs the technique he wants him to do? Is that your whole game plan? How can you expect to be able to do that, for how long and at what cost? I've seen a few Aikido demonstrations and the atacking techniques are always very "clean", very telegrafed, and never in combinations. But a fight is never like that even if it's not a streetfight; a fight in a ring or in a tatami is often messy and more complicated.
Firstly aikido in general is not based around fighting in the ring,, so tyhis is a supposition......Karate, Ju Jutsu (various styles) and aikido all use tai sabaki...body movement.....I have had to use some aikido on the street and also use some aikido techniques when i teach my SD classes.
A good boxer will spend a majority of time slipping and avoiding being hit......whilst waiting for an opening
In a street fight, its the principles of aikido, that are the bit that makes it effective
but my aikido in a streetfight is about whats right at the time........dependant on technique or atemi.....size, weight ect of opponent
what you see when i demonstrate my aikido in a class is exactly that..A DEMONSTRATION" and as such is specific moves from specific attacks
There one question that i've always had about Aikido (probably a stupid one but here goes) if Aikido does not teach any atacking techniques such as punchs, kicks, elbows and so on, how can a student learn to evade them so well (because if i understand corretelly, the Aikido game plan requires absolutelly perfect evassive techniques), do you need to have a background of another martial art first, or do you teach these strikes after all.
This point was also mentioned and covered in my previous the early days of aikido, it was assumed that the students were from other arts and already had kicks/punches etc.....indeed even now i get students from other arts that use different methods of striking.....we learn from these and addapt accordingly
Aikido is a realatively new art based on older should continue growing and addapting as indeed everything else grows and adapts