Starting (again) in Wun Hop Kuen Do


Yellow Belt
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks to Mr. Bishop, I was able to contact one of my old instructors, from many years ago, and a superb martial artist and teacher, Sifu Art Dacascos. I'm going to be starting some private lessons with him in a couple of weeks, and it's going to be a real privilege, as training under him was in the '80's.

Here's some background on Sifu Art, from Sifu Ben Fajardo's website:
Thats fantastic!! Have fun with the training and please post some updates from time to time to let us know how things are going!:ultracool

Awesome news! Thanks for the link, too. I've bookmarked it because it is loaded with so much valuable info! As Mike said, please keep us updated. :)
Thats fantastic!! Have fun with the training and please post some updates from time to time to let us know how things are going!:ultracool


Will do Mike, thanks. In addition to being a great martial artist and teacher, Sifu Art is a really good guy.
Awesome news! Thanks for the link, too. I've bookmarked it because it is loaded with so much valuable info! As Mike said, please keep us updated. :)

Sifu Fajardo's site really is a good one. I sure will give some periodic updates. Thanks, kidswarrior!
Unfortunately, I had some unexpected repair bills to my car, and wasn't able to get going on those lessons with Sifu Art right away. We also have conflicting work schedules, and his fiancee is coming to the Denver area, from Hawaii in about a week, so Sifu Art is putting additional students on hold for right now. I hope to be able to train with him again, sometime in the not-too-distant future.

In the meantime, I'm going to be starting training in Tracy's Kenpo with a well-regarded instructor, who also teaches Shootfighting, Hock Hoch, eim's CQC, and Modern Arnis. See you guys in the Tracy's Forum!

One of my students who is a purple belt lives in Denver during the summers. Let me know if you want me to put her in touch with you, and if so, how.

One of my students who is a purple belt lives in Denver during the summers. Let me know if you want me to put her in touch with you, and if so, how.


Thanks very much, for your kind offer. I've started training in Tracy's Kenpo, and W. Hock Hochheim's CQC, and have a lot of material to absorb, so I'll probably concentrate on those two systems, for the time being.

I'll contact Sifu Art down the road, and see if he's accepting any new students. If not, I'll probably contact Sifu Fajardo regarding Wun Hop Kuen Do training.

Thanks again SifuJason, and best regards.
Very good...If the desire is there you are never too old to learn...
Very good...If the desire is there you are never too old to learn...

Actually Drac, I'm more motivated to learn martial arts at 53, than I was in my 20's.

I used to jump into sparring with boxers, and full contact (PKA) fighters, and fared pretty well, for someone with little previous experience. Fought a couple of exhibition bouts that were boxer vs. kickboxer, (I was the boxer) but didn't have the patience or disicipline to really learn an art, and had no clue as to the value of forms.

I'm really enjoying getting back into it.
Any updates on how your training is going? :)
Any updates on how your training is going? :)

I'm training in Tracy's Kenpo under a really good instructor named Mr. Mow, at Scott Pedersen's school, and have been shown a little more than half of the yellow belt techniques. Luckily my previous training has stayed with me somewhat, in terms of hand techniques, kicks, etc. I've also taken a couple of classes with Mr. Pedersen, in CQC, and like the direct approach of that system. I plan to train in those two systems for quite a while.

There will also be a Muay Thai seminar at Mr. Pedersen's school next month, I'm looking forward to. For a short time in the '70's I was able to train with a retired Muay Thai fighter from Thailand, and his students in Northern Colorado, and remember the raw power of their techniques, expecially the Thai round kick.

Thanks very much, for your kind offer. I've started training in Tracy's Kenpo, and W. Hock Hochheim's CQC, and have a lot of material to absorb, so I'll probably concentrate on those two systems, for the time being.

I'll contact Sifu Art down the road, and see if he's accepting any new students. If not, I'll probably contact Sifu Fajardo regarding Wun Hop Kuen Do training.

Thanks again SifuJason, and best regards.

Sounds good. I know both of them (Sifus Art and Ben) are teaching mostly privates right now, so depending, you may be in luck or not.
Sounds good. I know both of them (Sifus Art and Ben) are teaching mostly privates right now, so depending, you may be in luck or not.

I know that Sifu Art has some long-time students who train with him, and I'm sure the same is true for Sifu Fajardo.

While I'm still very interested in the Kajukenbo family of arts, I'm very fortunate to have found Mr. Pedersen's school, and to be training there.

Tracy's Kenpo (at least as taught there) is very self-defense oriented, and W. Hock Hochheim's CQC compliments it, very well.

Thanks again, SifuJason, and take care.