Started my own martial art!

Can I join:) pretty please. I will be your Australian spokesperson, and add to your band of women warriors!!
You are all now members!

Rankings are as follows so far!

Newly ranked EF's!

Newly Ranked SIF's
arizona angel
ronin moose
Carol Kaur

New lowly RIF's

Welcome and congrats on the new ranks!

i want in, how much does it cost to start out at RBM??

Time... your in but everyone starts at the bottom this isn't one of those pay for black belt certification programs! You have to earn it by working diligently and occasionally refering people to this thread!

Do you cross-rank??? I mean I've got alot of belts, I've got my blue from kajukenbo and my orange from Isshin-ryu, heck I've got white belts in Goju and BJJ and Judo. Thats like five right there, I'm not even going to mention all the other ones I dabbled in, so thats gotta be good right?

Do you cross-rank??? I mean I've got alot of belts, I've got my blue from kajukenbo and my orange from Isshin-ryu, heck I've got white belts in Goju and BJJ and Judo. Thats like five right there, I'm not even going to mention all the other ones I dabbled in, so thats gotta be good right?


Bah what you learn outside WAA is not worthy of being moved into WAA we are complete and we are great.

I got these down already

RIF or Really Ignorant Fool
SIF or Somewhat Ignorant Fool
EF or Easily Fooled
BMS or Believes my Story
HLS or Hooked Line and Sinker

And as much as I really want to join I am not sure I can. It may interfere with my plans for world domination using the vast and evil powers of Xuefu
Bah what you learn outside WAA is not worthy of being moved into WAA we are complete and we are great.


Well...... well...... You guys suck then!!! I'll be back after I contact the World of Pudgy Soke Association and become a grandmaster, you'll see whose got a bigger belt then!!!!
Well...... well...... You guys suck then!!! I'll be back after I contact the World of Pudgy Soke Association and become a grandmaster, you'll see whose got a bigger belt then!!!!

Another fool and his money soon part company...
Well...... well...... You guys suck then!!! I'll be back after I contact the World of Pudgy Soke Association and become a grandmaster, you'll see whose got a bigger belt then!!!!

Yes, I imagine that pudgy sokes need a bigger belt than not-so-pudgy sokes. ;)
Drac apparently is bored tonight... not enough blood out there I see.

It is ok Drac soon we will have many members and then we shall bleed people for you! In our mightyness and through learning the simple techniques of ambush the unsuspecting you shall feed well my friend.

I fear not any pudgy masters! I shall now lay down my 100,000 challange. I shall defeat anyone for this money.

The rules are,

1) You give me half up front and half when I arrive too kill you.
2) You will releave me of all responsibilities of your all too soon untimely demise.
3) You shall not confront me for WAA confronts you! Therefore you will go home and at some time in the future I will kill you
4) No weapons! Except for mine of course.
5) No protective gear! Except for mine of course.
6) WAA weapons may include, Poison, Swords, Knives, Blunt Objects, Cars, Trains, Jets, Smart Bombs, Nuclear Devices, and guns.
7) This challange takes place somewhere there is no extradition perferably with access to a nice black market for aformentioned weaponery.

As for Xue... you may join my son I do not wish to dominate the world and you may use the mighty waa training to defeat your enimies!

Oh and of course we have nice looking trees out back. The one on the left thinks your cute and is willing to wear lengerie.

All bow before me!
Transended Grand Master Infinite

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